Worst Opener Ever....


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2004
Wartburg, TN (Morgan Co)
Man I atleast kill 5-7 on the opener... I had the BIG GOOSE EGG!!! 0 !!!!!! This time!!!! :cry: No hickory nuts, no acorns, no beaches, really threw me off!!!! Man I don't know where they went...but If I find one tree with a nut it will be ON!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
I was expecting it to be a bad opener myself, but got lucky.

spitndrool said:
They are grouping up in those trees....strutncut killed 2 out of the same tree yesterday and a 3rd got away!!!! ;)
I had barely walked into the woods at first light, when came upon a tree with probably 6 squirrels in it, really cutting and dropping the hicorynuts like crazy --- it was a classic great find for an old squirrel hunter. I killed 3 of them with 3 quick shots, and moved on. Found another tree with about 6 in it just a few minutes later, quickly took 3 more, then moved on again.

By the time I quit hunting right @ 9AM, had made about a 1-mile circling hunt, and only found 4 trees with any cuttings at all --- but killed 10 squirrels from those 4 trees. Two hickories, one poplar, and one white oak - GPS marked for bowseason, I might add ;)

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