Wild HOGS!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
NE Tennessee
If you were wanting to get rid of some wild hogs...what is the BEST thing to put on the ground,stump, etc to get them to come in for a shot??
I seen some stuff at Wally made by the same people that makes C'Mere Deer.... but I thought you guys would know something better??!?!?!?!


A couple of 5 gallon buckets with corn. Mix up some kind of berry cool aid[packets for a dollar at food store]. Mix with corn and start a pile. Close to the pile find a 10 to 15 inch tree, preferably a pine. Get ya a burlap sack and wrap it tight around the tree about 2 and a half to 3 feet high. Tack it with nails and wrap some twine around it. Pour some old motor oil all over the sack. Old grease from your last fish fry works good too. Even if you stop dumping corn, keep the rub fresh every month. That will keep them coming around for as long as they are alive. Put a camera up and see what time they are hitten it. Hang stand accordingly.


warrent423 said:
A couple of 5 gallon buckets with corn. Mix up some kind of berry cool aid[packets for a dollar at food store]. Mix with corn and start a pile. Close to the pile find a 10 to 15 inch tree, preferably a pine. Get ya a burlap sack and wrap it tight around the tree about 2 and a half to 3 feet high. Tack it with nails and wrap some twine around it. Pour some old motor oil all over the sack. Old grease from your last fish fry works good too. Even if you stop dumping corn, keep the rub fresh every month. That will keep them coming around for as long as they are alive. Put a camera up and see what time they are hitten it. Hang stand accordingly.
Set this up around some water or an existing waller hole.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
NE Tennessee
warrent243, thanks for the info. I will try that for sure! I am going down one evening this week, and set that up.

I wish I could invite people to hunt with me, but this one particular piece of property is under lease, with strict guidelines.

I will keep ya'll updated!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
NE Tennessee
Decided not ot use corn at all. I want them dead, and gone, not fat and healthy!!!
I had planned on hanging the oil soaked burlap.... would that be legal to hunt over since it is basically used as a scent, and not eaten?
How much redtape would I need to go through to get damage control permits for the hogs? I think there is only about 20 pigs as of now using this corner of the lease...but I am 100% sure there are more. As fast as the reproduce, hard to "guesstimate" how many are truely there!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2008
razorbackoutfitters.com makes some stuff called "black Gold" that attracts hogs and is legal to hunt over in Tennessee because it is scent based, and not food based.