What is this?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2022
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Knoxville Tennessee
This stuff is growing like crazy in one of my soybean plots. Any idea what this is?


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And reading on line....if your beans are round up ready....then glysophate is listed as effective against nutsedge grass....and you can drive over beans to spray...they will bounce back....or if plot is smaller spot spray with backpack sprayer.
yellow nutsedge, roundup will not kill it
halosulfuron is what you need.
halomax 75 is what i sell.
Halosulfuron is safe for legumes?

I use Basagran in my clover. Liberty & Gly mixture has fried it in my annual plots but waiting to see if it comes back. Have used a 5% Gly before and it always came back...
I'm laughing at myself... I so focused on the soybean plants I was about to post 'they're soybeans, dummy!!!", then I saw the responses and looked back at the pic and saw the nutsedge in the middle of the plot!!!!

but yes, nutsedge is tough to kill. Roundup will knock it back a bit, but won't kill it. I had a bunch in a new low lying area I turned into a plot a couple years ago. Had a bunch of brushy growth as well, so I hit it with Remedy plus Roundup. THAT did the trick.... no more nutsedge. (don't do that to your beans tho!!!)
better get a hold of it, it spreads like crazy. We battled it for a couple years, but finally have the upper hand. Did most of our spraying walking with back pack sprayers. halomax 75