Lol I'm not that good of a hunter for my boys to worry about a bunch of mounts but I understand what you're saying. I've told the story of a Dr. that I was friends with that lived next to where I work. He traveled all over the world hunting and loved every minute of it. He had a HUGE place built on his house just for his "trophy room". I'd go over and just listen to him and look at all the pictures and MOUNTS EVERYWHERE. I'm talking elephant tusks, lions, tigers, bucks, hippo heads. The coolest we're the Polar Bear and wolves. Well when he died his POS kids left after the funeral and took every gun in the trophy room and I'm talking hundreds of thousands dollars easily. They left the mounts and next thing I know his wife died not long ago and they seriously just bulldozed this $800k house to the ground and it's just grass where this man built his "paradise" now. Makes me sick to my stomach to think none of them cared enough to be involved with his stories.