Want to learn


New Member
Oct 26, 2023
Hi. My name is Lisa. I've been around hunting and fishing just haven't been into it seriously. My son is 9 now. He's talking and showing a lot of interest in hunting and fishing. I've join tndeer.com to see what I can learn more about hunting so I can pass along to my son. We leave in middle west tn but we have family in East TN. Any pointers for us will be greatly appreciated.

WestTn Huntin man

Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 2006
Benton Co.
Learning to safely handle a firearm and shoot Proficiently would be a good place to start. Here are a couple of links for getting together with others that are wanting to learn about the outdoors. Just getting out in the woods during the off season practicing moving quietly is great experience . Like most things in life the more experience and practice you get the easier and more natural it will become. To become a successful hunter Movement is something to be very aware of. Often you might just see a tail swish . an ear twitch, or a eye blink before you see a Deer. Squirrel hunting can really help hone this skill. It works both ways. While you're looking for movement you need to practice being still . Most wildlife are experts at detecting movement. It can be very hard to be still in the woods. Especially for a 9 year old boy.
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New Member
Oct 26, 2023
Learning to safely handle a firearm and shoot Proficiently would be a good place to start. Here are a couple of links for getting together with others that are wanting to learn about the outdoors. Just getting out in the woods during the off season practicing moving quietly is great experience . Like most things in life the more experience and practice you get the easier and more natural it will become. To become a successful hunter Movement is something to be very aware of. Often you might just see a tail swish . an ear twitch, or a eye blink before you see a Deer. Squirrel hunting can really help hone this skill. It works both ways. While you're looking for movement you need to practice being still . Most wildlife are experts at detecting movement. It can be very hard to be still in the woods. Especially for a 9 year old boy.
You gave me a lot information. Thank you.

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