Spook Spann Exonerated


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2015
I really don't think TWRA/the Feds would have so vehemently pursued this had they not had a case. I also don't believe it is coincidence that so many hunting celebs/"influencers" have gotten themselves in legal trouble over the past decade while always proclaiming their "innocence" and suggesting they have a "target on their back". The truth is, unlike your average hunter, they have the money to keep up the legal battle. Your average hunter doesn't. Most recently, look at the Bowmar case. Must be such a hard life getting paid to hunt, making hundreds of thousands (or even millions), and being required follow hunting regs. Oh my!

On another note, Spook is like a walking meme. Some of the stuff he posts is completely cringeworthy, and at the same time, hilarious. People give him yugo and he will respond back and just laugh it off. I love it. I've trolled him before and he played right along. That in itself makes me like him a bit as a person. And no matter how douchebaggy some of their pics are, gotta give the couple credit. Looking dang good for their age!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2016
I really don't think TWRA/the Feds would have so vehemently pursued this had they not had a case. I also don't believe it is coincidence that so many hunting celebs/"influencers" have gotten themselves in legal trouble over the past decade while always proclaiming their "innocence" and suggesting they have a "target on their back". The truth is, unlike your average hunter, they have the money to keep up the legal battle. Your average hunter doesn't. Most recently, look at the Bowmar case. Must be such a hard life getting paid to hunt, making hundreds of thousands (or even millions), and being required follow hunting regs. Oh my!

On another note, Spook is like a walking meme. Some of the stuff he posts is completely cringeworthy, and at the same time, hilarious. People give him **** and he will respond back and just laugh it off. I love it. I've trolled him before and he played right along. That in itself makes me like him a bit as a person. And no matter how douchebaggy some of their pics are, gotta give the couple credit. Looking dang good for their age!

Yeah dude and his wife are definitely eccentric... I know folks that aren't celebs that have WAY worse poaching violations some that even TWRA knew about.. To my knowledge I don't think they even lifted a finger to pursue them...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Polk County
Seek 1 is about to have some competition.
Mothers Day Lol GIF by reactionseditor


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
I'm gonna have to go study up on all this it's new to me.
I will comment though that I do agree a lot of hunters know people that poach or break game laws religiously and the state just can't seem to get their act together because not enough GWs, not enough evidence, not enough prosecutors willing to take the case, etc…
then other times, presumably this instance, it's an operation that would make the CIA jealous.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Mar 8, 2010
Rhea Co., TN
I wouldn't go so far as to blame it on TWRA for it being drug out. I know some TWRA folks, and they will tell you that they can have a bulletproof case and they know that it won't stick since wildlife crimes are often viewed as victimless crimes. Judges throw out cases, throw in procedural delays, decide to not allow certain evidence to be admissible, or let punishment slide even if someone is found guilty. Local judges are elected positions, and they want to return favors and stay in their position. Add to this that there are big dollar lawyers involved (like the Bowmars) and you start to better understand why it's so hard to tell fact from fiction in these cases.

I don't know the details in this case, but we are only hearing one side of it, and I'm sure that it's all that we will ever be allowed to hear. Just because a case is dropped or thrown out does not make someone exonerated or innocent. It makes them not guilty of the charges.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2015
So I went to Spook's FB page to read up on the drama.

He has this 5 year old post pinned at the top of his page. LOL


Dude is a hoot


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2021
Powell, Tn.
I'm gonna have to go study up on all this it's new to me.
I will comment though that I do agree a lot of hunters know people that poach or break game laws religiously and the state just can't seem to get their act together because not enough GWs, not enough evidence, not enough prosecutors willing to take the case, etc…
then other times, presumably this instance, it's an operation that would make the CIA jealous.
There may even be some here that do this. I've known a couple people who have done this. ..... Buy your wife or child a hunting license and fill their tags with THEIR kills. Check in that third or fourth Buck. Being a Hunter doesn't automatically make you a Sportsman/woman.
I'm not an Angel, I've broken a law or 2 by mistake and on purpose. This scenario I can say I've never done. Sometimes the TWRA rule book is hard to read and apply without an Attorney.