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Spook Spann Exonerated


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2016
I don't know much about this guy but was intrigued that his crime didn't seem to match the punishment? His SM post says his family was harassed and raided by agents sponsorships lost etc. Seems harsh for some wildlife violations?

Now TWRA has just dropped the charges? Thoughts?
I read that too. Here it is verbatim for those who care to read his words:

"Waiving the White Flag

After almost a decade of attempting to destroy me and my entire family's life and reputation, after the raids, destruction of property, illegal searches, arresting Marty out of her second grade classroom and not allowing her to see her attorney while being shackled and interrogated, arresting my kids, illegal surveillance without search warrants, targeting and threatening my friends, admitting no probable cause, costing me millions in lost sponsorships, endorsements, sales and business opportunities while they spent enormous amounts of wasted man power and tax payer money to purposely target us merely because of a personal vendetta- the 5th DA in 10 years representing the TWRA called and notified my attorney that they are "waving the white flag" and dropping all charges.

This rogue government agency was blatantly malicious in targeting us in this ridiculous investigation and we are extremely grateful it's come to an end.

I want to give a special thanks to our friends and all those who openly supported Marty and I during this time. A special thanks to Danny Weeks, Crysti Shelley and the Dickson County Schools for seeing through the ridiculous charges and accusations and allowing Marty to keep her job and assuming innocence instead of guilt like many others did.

On the contrary, the previous governor (Bill Haslam), the TWRA commissioners, (many of whom I thought were friends) state representatives, senators, Secretary of State of Tennessee (Tre Hargett) and sponsors like Mossy Oak, Under Armour, PSE and others turned their backs on us after many years of service and long cultivated relationships, assuming guilt before proven.

During this time, thanks to my attorney, Kline Preston and others, we have been a big part in getting two major laws changed. One on a federal level with the Supreme Court and one in Tennesssee to help protect citizens and hunters of their rights. We do this in an effort to prevent this from happening to others in future.

I want to thank God for my amazing wife Marty, my kids, Cassie and Coleman, and my sisters Bunnie and Angel for your love and support. And again thanks to my friends and family who are too numerous to name who stood by my side.

God bless,

Spook & Marty Spann"
So... Spook pled guilty in 2012 for illegally killing the KS buck back in '07 for which he didn't have a tag. Also pled guilty for Lacey Act violation transporting the illegally killed buck over state lines.

What did he do in TN to have charges brought against him, which have now apparently been dropped?
It was not baiting. He was guiding a couple of friends Turkey hunting in his property. He did not have a gun with him. He was set up with them and I think doing the calling. Under TN law you have to have a hunting license to do that even if you are not shooting. He did not have a license because of the Lacey Act violation.
If my memory serves me right, allegations were baiting turkeys, hunting over bait, tampering with evidence (destroying cell phone), etc. Several years back.

Baiting should be one of the easiest charges to prove in court. The only thing easier to prove would be hunting over bait. If you are hunting over bait when Mr Green Jeans shows up, I don't see how you could avoid a ticket or get them to eventually drop charges.

Obviously a LOT more to the story for him to be able to fight the charges for a decade, then have the prosecutor drop the charges.
It was not baiting. He was guiding a couple of friends Turkey hunting in his property. He did not have a gun with him. He was set up with them and I think doing the calling. Under TN law you have to have a hunting license to do that even if you are not shooting. He did not have a license because of the Lacey Act violation.

I remember that. That's ridiculous...
It was not baiting. He was guiding a couple of friends Turkey hunting in his property. He did not have a gun with him. He was set up with them and I think doing the calling. Under TN law you have to have a hunting license to do that even if you are not shooting. He did not have a license because of the Lacey Act violation.
Wow, that is ticky-tack. Def illegal by the letter of the law, but def overboard by TWRA.
Another thought... did he lose his sponsorships from the charges brought by TWRA or from publicly posting his huge KS bow kill which was later proven to have been killed illegally?

If he were somehow able to prove that he was harmed monetarily by TWRA and the state, he might have a legal case? (I'm NOT an expert in the law).
Without any real history on this and only hearsay it seems like such actions by any TN agency would cause mistrust by the general public. Stay off of personal property big brother unless you have a warrant, what is so hard about that.
It was not baiting. He was guiding a couple of friends Turkey hunting in his property. He did not have a gun with him. He was set up with them and I think doing the calling. Under TN law you have to have a hunting license to do that even if you are not shooting. He did not have a license because of the Lacey Act violation.
It was alleged the cell phone had incriminating evidence of baited turkey hunts that he was guiding his clients on.

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