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Food Plots Plant or Wait

Were getting a little rain now and sure needed it. Dusty & rag weed starting to rock the past few days. Gonna hold off as well. Plan on doing them in batches this year. Gonna get 10 or so ready for seed this weekend & wait...
That is what I'm planning as well. Less chance of a total crop failure. Although if this dry spell continues, I'm going to end up planting them all at the same time in mid-October!
We planted one Monday and held off on the rest. The one we planted is what we deem to be our most important bow plot for opening week / weekend. I think it got enough rain to sprout this morning so now I'm praying for more rain tonight as it looks like tonight is the last chance for a week or so in our area.
IF we get appreciable rain this afternoon I do have 4 creek bottom plots that lay within 10 yds of creek that I might roll the dice on. Other than that,
we've got 3,100 pounds of seed ready to go whenever weather dictates.
Low ph newer plots get wheat and crimson/rape blend.
6+ph plots get wheat/oats/triticale grain mix. Several of those are clover re-do so they'll also get a blend of durana/advantage/arrowleaf/balansa/brassica.
Also have 50# of jackpot turnips to use wherever the fancy strikes me 😁.

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Coming along pretty good the left portion was Aug 18, right Aug 25. Been a few showers here and there.


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According to Farm Logs we got 1.16" last night! Will have to go check out the soil in my creek side plot sites. Planting those 3 might scratch my itch 🤣
Putting a food plot in for the first time and looking for advice from some of you more seasoned food plotters. My plan all along has been to plant my food plots this coming Labor Day weekend. However, it looks as if there's no rain in sight on the 10 day forecast which has me hesitant to plant this weekend after all. From what I've read it seem like it's best to hold off to wait for rain, but at the same time I don't want to wait too long in fear of not giving the plants adequate time to grow before the first frost. What would you some of you more experienced guys recommend? I'm planting a brassica plot, greens plot, and a clover plot. How late is too late if I do hold off. Thanks!
I live in southeast Tn and have done food plots for several years and my rule of thumb is never plant before September 15th.
I'm just going to do nothing this year. With the good rains in August, I have lots of natural growth and cover. Also, last year, every deer I saw in daylight was in the woods and brush. I never saw a single one in the open except a few on camera at night. Still, I do hope that the ariel cover crop planting takes hold.