No deer but major life lesson learned!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
Bradley County, TN.
In my quest to quickly climb a tree today, I decided to wait till I got up in position and then strap my safety harness on. (yno where this is going) No I didn't fall, but as I was ascending up I needed to readjust my stand cable for the tree size. In doing so (12') I had the cable in my hand then lost it! At that time I nearly fell down but caught myself on the top bar then used my foot to hold the bottom section. After pulling myself up in sitting position I strapped my harness on and then sat a minute to gain my composure. I was able to reset my stand and finish my climb. Guys, be sure to have that harness strapped from the moment you get on that climber. This shortcut almost cost me injury and possible inability to work and provide for my family. We all have done similar things in the rush to get set up, I for one will not make that mistake again regardles of how "late" I get to my area to hunt in. Stay safe guys!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
Old Hickory/Mt.Juliet, TN
I'm very glad that almost bad situation had a positive ending! You're absolutely right, there is not a deer that walks this Earth that is worth having a life-altering accident due to our own stupidty�buckle up before you climb up! Also, make sure that you have a suspension relief strap that is easily accesible should you be hanging and can't recover to your stand!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 1999
lenoir city,tn
spitndrum said:
its a bad habit to break, I wear mine but I strap it when I get up to where I'm gonna stay, I should strap it and climb with it like that

most falls are while climbing or descending.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
Old Hickory/Mt.Juliet, TN
stik said:
spitndrum said:
its a bad habit to break, I wear mine but I strap it when I get up to where I'm gonna stay, I should strap it and climb with it like that

most falls are while climbing or descending.

Brandon, you absolutely should because it really doesn't take anymore time or trouble, and the extra minute or so it does take is a very small price to pay considering what it would cost your wife and kids if you fall. As Stik stated, most falls occur when climbing or descending.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Cunningham TN
I was one of the guys that was too tough and too skilled for a harness,heck I have climbed trees and cranes and drill rigs all over the country. Until last year I was in my climber headed up a tree when out of nowhere the climber slipped down the tree,couldn't have been far maybe six or eight inches I never did figure out why but after that I started wearing one because it scared the crap out of me. It could of been a bad deal.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
I was running late one opening morning.
Got all the way to my tree before I remembered I left my harness in the truck.

Guess what, I still killed a deer that day even after walking all the way back.

Glad you didn't learn the hard way.
Now REMEMBER this lesson.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2003
Warren Co
PLEASE wear a harness!

Spit, kick your self in the arse for me!

We timed it for a hunters ed class, it took me 90 extra seconds to climb to 10' using a harness vs. without. That is LESS than 2 minutes and most of that was me fumbling to attach the strap to the tree.

Think about this. stick your hands in your back pockets, put your feet together and fall to the floor on your arm. Doesn't sound like fun. Now climb up on a table and do the same thing but land catching yourself on one wrist..... think you are going to the hospital? Probably a fracture in your future and no hunting the rest of season....

All that was from less than 3' above ground.

Now think about doing that from 8 feet or worse, average hunting height of 15-20 feet above ground. Are you drooling onto your shirt the rest of your life? Do your wife and kids have to change your diaper? Did you just widow your wife and orphan your kids? Take a minute and picture that.....
Falls are NOT pretty, and especially when it is Sooo So EASY to prevent.

Sorry, just because you are young and agile it doesn't mean that gravity doesn't win. Gravity is always on, and it will always win. Wear the harness !!!!!

Please !


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY
Im another that waits until I'm set to secure my harness when using a climber. When using my lone wolf with sticks, screw ins or tree gaffs I use the linemans belt the whole time. Guess I could learn a new trick too...I'll try and do better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
Huntsville, AL
I fell 17 feet in 2005. I grabbed a branch coming down my stand climbing stick and it broke. Landed on my heels. Sprained both ankles and my left knee and tore my right calf muscle. Very lucky.

Now, ALL of my stands have a 30' climbing rope that I hook up on before I ever leave the ground.

With all the money we spend on stands, bows, arrows, gadgets, etc., whats a few more bucks on something that could save your life?

Wear the harness and stay hooked up from the time you leave the ground! AND, make sure you have a plan if you do fall. I do not tie off the loose end of the rope. That way, if I fall I can make a "step" to take the pressure off the harness if I need to.

All the bravado in the world will not save you when you are in the ER waiting on the news from your doc, or worse.

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