Nest disturbance

Boll Weevil

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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Another thought I had that may be a positive impact from later start and 2 bird limit is less intrusion/nest disturbance by hunters? If indeed some 90% of hunters only kill 1 or 2, the masses are probably done and out of the woods by now. Some states have a 1p cutoff with a compelling reason being hens that were laying or nesting would be the beneficiaries of some afternoon hunting pressure relief.

I bet there's waaaaaay fewer hunters in the woods now vs. years past.
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Take chuck swan who cuts off at 12, they are seeing the same reduction as everyone else. The ole tale of running a hen of the nest is just that. It doesnt happen enough to make a difference
Actually, just the opposite with the delayed start.... There will probably be more hens bumped off the nest by hunters, since a larger percentage of hens will be setting with the extended 2 weeks. Now a 2 bird limit will definitely result in a larger percentage of hunters 'tagging out' and leaving the spring woods.

But no big deal, you can bump a hen once and she will come back within an hour if you are gone and continue on like nothing happened. Do it twice and she will likely abandon the nest.
Way more hunters out now then this time in the past, most had definitely quit by now in past seasons. The season is only two weeks old with people all over, if anything the delayed start will have a negative impact on hens getting run off the nest. I may be wrong but just an opinion.
Good convo and posts on potential nest(s) disturbance. I've seen firsthand tons of lone hens leaving when driving a road. This year more than any other years past. Is it good or is it bad? I think it's a sigh of good. Obviously on the main roads it's bad, but it could indicate so many more nests you aren't infringing on. Time will tell….

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