Most memorable fish?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2002
Millington, TN
Not necessarily the biggest (or smallest) fish, but the one that sticks out in your memory.

For me, it's a crevalle jack. I was fishing with my dad and uncle in the Marco River war Marco Island, Florida. This was my first time saltwater fishing. I tied on a 1/4 oz hair jig and cast it as far as I could several times. Finally, I felt a sudden and STRONG tug at my line. I had a fish! Was it a tarpon? A redfish? A shark? I was about to find out!

It seemed like 15 minutes passed, but it wasn't quite that long. Just when I thought I had it at the surface, I saw a flash of a fish make a last dive down. I kept strong arming it up to the surface, not knowing what it was. It was probably some monster of a fish from the way it fought. It took all I had just to hang on to the rod.

I FINALLY got it up to the surface wasn't a monster. It wasn't the big tarpon I had expected. It was a modest sized crevalle jack! This little guy put up THAT much of a fight??? My uncle confirmed that pound for pound, they are the toughest fighters. And not bad for a first saltwater catch.

That was 13 years ago and I STILL remember it to this day.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2001
Lewis Co.
10lb largemouth while in Florida on vacation. We went with another couple to take our kids to Disney and he said let's take our poles to fish a lake in Kissimmee. I said sure why not...the afternoon we got there we dropped the family off at the house we rented and drove to the lake. I walked out on the dock and the first cast I caught a 10lb bass. my buddy waded in the water under the dock to help me get the fish out.

East TN Bowhunter

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2010
Tennessee, US
The one that stands out to me has to be the prettiest fish I have ever caught and also biggest trout, which was a 5lb brown trout. I caught this fish while trolling for trout in a lake in NC. We always have caught a lot of trout in this lake but never any over 18 inches. This one was 26 Inches. We had been trolling for maybe 15 mins first thing after sunrise and had not yet had a bite so we decided to cross the main channel and head towards the other side of the channel. I was trolling probably 20-30ft deep and the bottom was much deeper but there was some fallen trees coming off the bank here and there. As we crossed the channel, I felt a yank on the pole and it was dead weight! I thought for sure I was hung and with the somewhat expensive rigs we were trolling with I did not want to break off so I told my fishing partner to cut off the motor. Once it was off, I kept the line tight and started trying to reel and then I feel something pulling back and at that point I knew I had a big fish. After about 5 minutes I got him in. He is by far the prettiest fish I have ever laid eyes, he had a golden brown tint. One I will never forget!

Boll Weevil

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
13lb 3oz largemouth on a Texas rigged tequila sunrise worm.

One day after work 3 of us went to little pond that couldn't have been much more than an acre. None of us expected to get bit, we were more looking forward splitting a 6 pack. I made a cast, set my rod down, and went to the cooler to get a beer. We were standing there talking and my coworker say, " your line moving?" Walked over, picked up my rod, set the hook and nothing happened...I thought for sure I was hung up. I started trying to free it pulling this way and that several times before she finally figured out she was hooked and the fight was on.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
Dreaming of Tarpon
I remember so many of them down to every last detail. Here is one I'll never forget:



Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2006
Shipshewana. In
Has to be the red snapper my youngest boy caught. We were fishing a rig 24 miles out of Venice for wahoo (trolling) in 320-340 ft of water. Saw some amazing bottom structure and decided what the heck let's drop a pogie down. As soon as it hit bottom it got hammered. My sons a big strong boy at 6'5" 275 and he muscled it up 100 foot. Just then the rod broke right above the reel. He was stunned for sure. He then hand lined it up the remaining 250'. Couldn't believe the fish wasn't hammered by a shark on the way up. It was the by far the biggest snapper we'd seen at 41lbs. State record for LA at the time was 49. Our previous best was 21lb. Unfortunately we caught it on a Thursday and red snapper was only open Fri-Sunday. We snapped a couple pics popped a hole in air bladder and released it.
If any of you have reeled in a snapper you know how hard they pull to the bottom. I still can't believe he brought it up by hand..


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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Munford, TN
I was 20 years old bluegill fishing with a 4.5 ft ultralight and hooked a 17lb catfish. Fought him for almost 2 hours. Sadly no picture
2 hours! That's patience. I caught an 8 pound cat on a 12 foot B&M Prostaff Trolling Rod (crappie rod). It took me 38 minutes to land it. All I could do was chase it with the trolling motor and try not to get spooled.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2010
Most of the time when my dad fished he would troll along the banks of Old Hickory Lake. I was around 10 and had hooked a decent fish. Normally my dad would have turned off the motor or put it in neutral but he didn't this time. As I got him close to the boat he jumped out of the water, the hook came out of his mouth and the plug came flying at me. My arms came up to protect my face but the treble hook stuck me in the arm. A trip to the emergency room and ice cream after was probably my most notable fishing experience with no fish to show.

M T Pockets 000

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2020
I was fishing off the driveway bridge across Hinds Creek at my Uncle's house. I was using nightcrawlers and catching red-eye and bream. Then I caught a beautiful 14 inch rainbow trout. Actually caught 3 and turned them loose.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2001
Charleston, TN USA
I was using a small Daiwa Samurai rod a spinning reel in a farm pond. Caught a 6'11 ounce largemouth bass on a Mann's jelly worm. It took at least 10 minutes of fighting to get it to the bank where I could grab it. It covered every inch of that pond before it finally got tired and gave in a little.

I have caught bigger since but none have given me the fight that one did.

killingtime 41

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2022
greene county
My most memorable catch was when I was about 8 years old me and my dad were both fishing with shiners under the round red and white bobbers. It started to rain hard so dad said let's go to the truck to get out of the rain. Just set the poles down rain won't last long. Rain stopped and we walked back over only to find both bobbers under. We both set the hook at the same time and reeled in a couple 4lb largemouth. Dad passed about 16 years ago. I miss him dearly and that memory seems like it happened last week.