Food Plots Killing grass ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2010
We have a 65 acres swamp. It stays wet up till now each year. Making it impossible to keep the field maintained. The grass gets so high and thick it's really hard on our 65 hp tractor with 5' bush hog. Last year we didn't get on it in time and I ended up having to bring in the skid steer and scrape the grass off the plots just to get them in. The weeds and grass are close to 6' tall. I have tried several ways to get the plots done in the past. I am looking for some ideas and thoughts that maybe I haven't thought of. I love to hunt the area as the deer really work the plots in October and November. The area we try to keep clean is roughly 10 acres in size with 2 acres of food plots. The grass is to tall to use my atv sprayer. Has any one ever tried a wicking bar on grass this tall ?

Hunter 257W

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2012
Franklin County
Somebody on here mentioned running over tall grass/weeds with a cultipacker or something similar so that the plants will be leaned over low enough for your sprayer to cover them. Of course you still wouldn't get full coverage as some of the weeds would cover the others but it would be a significant improvement over spraying only the base of the weeds/grass. If you don't have a cultipacker it would help to just get out and drive around the plot with a truck. Anything to mash the grass down.


Active Member
May 26, 2015
Get a bush hog for the skid steer. The way they mow out front is awesome and should handle the weeds no problem.

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