Keeping the neighbors dogs out


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2022
Ten Mile
Over the last 2 weeks, I'm getting the same two dogs showing up on my cell cams. By the time I get out there, they're gone. Just moved to my property 3 months ago, only know a couple of the neighbors and I know its not their dogs. I'm thinking of driving around to all the neighbors I haven't met to figure out whose they are, and ask them to keep them off my property. I know this is the type of conversation that could go south quickly; any pointers? I'm just planning on being as polite and courteous as possible.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
I've got same thing going on. They terrorize the deer and killed a fawn a few weeks ago, but didn't eat it. I now have coyote traps out. Chasing deer aggravates me. Killing them and leaving them rot furiates me.

Don't get me wrong. I don't blame the dogs. I don't even hold animosity toward the dog owners, whoever they may be. But I paid an awful lot of money for my property so that I can hunt deer, and I will protect that investment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2011
I had a dog show up running a couple of does one year on my place. As soon as it saw me it hightailed it out of there. I did some searching and found the owner a mile down the road. Seems it showed up at their house a few months earlier injured. They planned on healing It up and then taking it to a shelter. Well, the wife got to liking it so they kept it. But they also found that being a hound, it never stayed home so they put a shock collar on it. Of course those don't work unless you actually use them, so it ended up running all over everyone's property. I knew other folks knew of this dog and told the owners, who had only been in the area for a year or so, that their dog was likely to get shot if it kept ruining folks turkey and deer hunts. I told him it had ruined mine, and although I'd never shoot their dog (hence my efforts to find and talk to them), I could not vouch for the other folks who'd lived here all their lives. He said he'd keep his dog up. And he did. I didn't hear it running for the rest of the season. But come spring, he started to let it run again. it never came on my land but I could hear it elsewhere. And then it stopped again. I ran into him around the end of turkey season and told him I appreciated him keeping his dog up during deer season. It was then he told me he had started letting it out again and he'd found it shot in a pasture on the adjoining property. Hard lesson to be learned.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
I ran into him around the end of turkey season and told him I appreciated him keeping his dog up during deer season. It was then he told me he had started letting it out again and he'd found it shot in a pasture on the adjoining property. Hard lesson to be learned.

That's the rub. It's not necessarily bad people, and it's not bad dogs. The dogs are only doing what dogs do. The problem is that the owners can't seem to accept or acknowledge that their pets aren't community pets. I built a 6ft privacy fence around my back yard to make sure my pets don't become my neighbors' pets. It would be nice if my neighbors extended the same courtesy. Unfortunately courtesy seems to be a bygone thing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2017
Blount County
That's the rub. It's not necessarily bad people, and it's not bad dogs. The dogs are only doing what dogs do. The problem is that the owners can't seem to accept or acknowledge that their pets aren't community pets. I built a 6ft privacy fence around my back yard to make sure my pets don't become my neighbors' pets. It would be nice if my neighbors extended the same courtesy. Unfortunately courtesy seems to be a bygone thing.
Same problem with my neighbors. I went through all the hard work of building a large dog lot for my dog to keep him from being a nuisance to others. I only let him out when im around he doesn't run off very far anyways he stick close 90 percent of the time. However the neighbors are a nuisance. They promised to fence it in and never did. Then earlier this year they got another one and still no fence.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 28, 2021
A guy on my street had a couple of small dogs that they let run loose. They would chase any one walking in the street. I witnessed an older lady being chased by said dogs. She was swinging her walking cane at them and trying to get away. I warned him he was going to get sued if he didn't keep those dogs up. About a week later he found one dead and the other dying on his back porch, someone had poisoned them. I hate to see animals die like that.

big buck hunter

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2020
I am dealing with this now. Neighbor lets his FIVE dogs run loose. Two are huge Great Pyranoses'. Two of the others also big dogs. They actually not only go all over my 210 acres but also into my yard bothering my dog. My wife has to keep ours on a leash as these dogs try to bother her and my dog in our yard and she has to try to run them off.

We cannot let our dog out or the "pack" of them try to attack him in our own yard. And they are aggressive to my wife as well.

The owner came over the other Saturday after hearing her yelling at them and them barking at her. He told us they are harmless.

I decided to speak with him about them.

I informed him I had a number of coyote traps out and would feel bad if his dogs got caught in one .He proceeded to get upset and asked me to show him where they were. I told him that was not happening. He told me if he heard them caught in one he was going to the dog to help it and was mad I had traps out and stormed off pissed off at me. Would not even say another word.

Imagine someone getting pissed because they let 5 big dogs run loose even though they only have a 1/8 acre sized lot. And imagine the mentality of being mad I was trapping Yotes on MY 210 acres and his dogs might actually get caught in one.

Takes a certain type of entitled mentality to think like that. I was both shocked and surprised.

If youre going to have five dogs on 1/8 of an acre in the middle of the country you better have your yard fenced or your dogs chained or there is a very big chance of them getting injured or killed for sure. It is common sense.

The stupid dogs also chase every car on the road and do not get out of the way. We have had to almost go off the road trying to NOT hit one of the stupid things. Some people have no sense of responsibility and should not own dogs IMO.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2013
Imagine someone getting pissed because they let 5 big dogs run loose even though they only have a 1/8 acre sized lot. And imagine the mentality of being mad I was trapping Yotes on MY 210 acres and his dogs might actually get caught in one.

Takes a certain type of entitled mentality to think like that. I was both shocked and surprised.
That's how 99.9 percent of the ones ive dealt with act. That's why i don't allow dogs on my property period.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2002
Ran into that problem when we bought our house last November. Every night about 8 when the neighbors got home you better believe 2 pit bulls showed up on my cam when they let them out of the house. But to hear them tell it their dogs never got out of their yard. The last thing I wanted to do was kill their dogs, even though I hate pit bulls but it did cross my mind a lot. Luckily they just rented the house and we were able to buy it from the owner and kicked them and their dogs out.

If people love their animals enough they will do what it takes to keep them from roaming. I know I do. Technology has advanced so much over the years and the wireless fences are awesome.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
As for the two dogs I'm seeing on camera and last season witnessed them chasing deer...they both have collars and appear to be we'll taken care of....but I have no idea who they belong too or even where to begin? But I do know I spent money and fenced my back yard and my dog doesn't roam free....I'm a dog lover....but a man's patience wears thin over time.

I've considered going door to door with pictures....or mailing a letter with pictures to everyone on the road.....but my fear is someone else will "address" the issue and I'll be the one to blame for shooting some kids pet.... very frustrating.

(Insert S, S, S comments) yeah...I's just not always that easy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2022
Ten Mile
I am dealing with this now. Neighbor lets his FIVE dogs run loose. Two are huge Great Pyranoses'. Two of the others also big dogs. They actually not only go all over my 210 acres but also into my yard bothering my dog. My wife has to keep ours on a leash as these dogs try to bother her and my dog in our yard and she has to try to run them off.

We cannot let our dog out or the "pack" of them try to attack him in our own yard. And they are aggressive to my wife as well.
When they come into my yard and they're aggressive towards anyone or my dog, that's when it goes way beyond not liking the dogs back where I deer hunt and gets to be a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Who's the right person to contact when that happens - animal control or the sheriff?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
Takes a certain type of entitled mentality to think like that.

If youre going to have five dogs on 1/8 of an acre in the middle of the country you better have your yard fenced or your dogs chained or there is a very big chance of them getting injured or killed for sure. It is common sense.

Sadly, too many dog owners have the same mentality of the mother of a criminal son, who proclaims her son's innocence, no matter if he rapes & murders people with overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

"My boy is harmless; he a good boy."

"My dogs is harmless; they is good dogs."

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