Hunted The Tripod This Morning

Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Lakeland, Tn.
I saw a few deer and all movement was early. I had an 8 pointer and a 6 pointer headed directly towards each other with ears laid back and hair bristled up and as they met they just walked right by each other. The 8 pointer turned around and then followed the 6 into the timber. I had another buck coming straight to me and I could tell he had a pretty good rack. Coming head on like that I didn't think it was as good as it turned out to be. He stopped at the edge of the timber and looked around. Another 8 pointer with sort of a narrow, tall rack but with pretty good mass. His tines were all 13-14". I decided to shoot him but he was looking straight at me and I couldn't move. I was downwind of him and never moved but he didn't like the tripod sitting there. As he began to move again I started to raise my rifle and he walked into the timber. Ended up never getting a shot off. He might have gone low 130s. I shifted the tripod to get a closer view if he comes back out in the morning. We'll see.

Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Lakeland, Tn.
The next morning I had re-situated the tripod at the far end of the pasture I was on the previous morning. That's where all the activity was. I didn't see the first deer.