Gap on String Tamer


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Cookeville, TN
How much of a gap should there be from the string to the string tamer. They set mine up pretty firm with the string tamer and I am going to tune it to where it barely touches. I think it is pressing too hard on the string.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2000
Hendersonville , TN
Try barely touching. Try a small gap (thickness of a credit card). Try touching more firmly. See which one works the best for you. Not all the String Suppressors work the same. Heck, it's archery play with it!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
Maury Co
UTgrad, you should put on a HSS, climb a tree with your climber, take a dozen arrows, range a target, shoot, miss, hit, miss, hit etc.
Do this a hundred times.
Then see where you are with this bow stuff.

You will questions yourself on everything until you do this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Cookeville, TN
Don't have a climber yet, but that will probably be this summer. I have shot some good groups, but I am having a tougher time drawing my bow at 60#. I was having to cheat today, so I need to let my muscles rest. Any exercises I can do?


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2001
Kansas City, Mo.
UTGrad said:
Don't have a climber yet, but that will probably be this summer. I have shot some good groups, but I am having a tougher time drawing my bow at 60#. I was having to cheat today, so I need to let my muscles rest. Any exercises I can do?

I suggest practice shooting 12 arrows every other day or so until you build up your strength . If you practice when you are tired , you practice bad habits .
I have been lifting weights for years . I suggest doing lat pulldowns , rows to build up your back muscles , shoulder presses , and side laterals for shoulders , and tricep push downs , dumbell kickbacks , and tricep extensions to isolate the muscles used for drawing and holding a bow . Do this 3 times a week .
Or you cold just do pushups and pullups if you don't have access to equipment . :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Cookeville, TN
Radar said:
UTGrad said:
Don't have a climber yet, but that will probably be this summer. I have shot some good groups, but I am having a tougher time drawing my bow at 60#. I was having to cheat today, so I need to let my muscles rest. Any exercises I can do?

I suggest practice shooting 12 arrows every other day or so until you build up your strength . If you practice when you are tired , you practice bad habits .
I have been lifting weights for years . I suggest doing lat pulldowns , rows to build up your back muscles , shoulder presses , and side laterals for shoulders , and tricep push downs , dumbell kickbacks , and tricep extensions to isolate the muscles used for drawing and holding a bow . Do this 3 times a week .
Or you cold just do pushups and pullups if you don't have access to equipment . :)

Thanks...I was really struggling to draw my new bow at 60# today since I shot it a bunch yesterday. I had to cheat quite a bit. I am going to follow your plan to build up more strength.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
Dunlap/Sequatchie Co.
Yeah, Radar's right. don't over do it as it wont make you any better. I shoot with a hard back stop and know real quick when I start to get tired, If I miss, I break arrows, and at five bucks a pop it starts hurting my wallet in a hurry. :)

I'll tell you what I do when it's winter and I don't get to shoot. I have two older bows that hang in my garage and it only takes a few mins a day to go out and draw one of them thirty to forty times a side. It's a pretty good workout in itself. I'd say you could find an older bow around for little of nothing. :)

And to be honest, I don't have a clue about the string tamer?? :blush:


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Cookeville, TN
It's made by Norway Industries, same people that make Dura Vanes. It is a string suppressor system that brings the string back to its resting place after the shot. It reduces noise, hand shock, and prevents the string from slapping a shooters wrist. Some people remove their string silencers when they install one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
Maury Co
UTGrad said:
Don't have a climber yet, but that will probably be this summer. I have shot some good groups, but I am having a tougher time drawing my bow at 60#. I was having to cheat today, so I need to let my muscles rest. Any exercises I can do?

Drawing a 60# Drenalin is not a hard pull at all. It's so easy the 10 year old neighbor kid easily shoots mine.

I get tired of shooting a 70# bow,because I pratice shooting a lot,and is why I shoot it at 60#.

If this bow is that difficult to draw at 60#, you may have some type of a problem with this bow.

Did you shoot other bows at 60# and if so were they also difficult to draw?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2008
Nashville, TN
For somebody that isn't used to pulling back a bow, it can be difficult.
Those muscles in the back aren't used to the motion and force applied to them.
Just practice as others above have said and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Cookeville, TN
LCU said:
UTGrad said:
Don't have a climber yet, but that will probably be this summer. I have shot some good groups, but I am having a tougher time drawing my bow at 60#. I was having to cheat today, so I need to let my muscles rest. Any exercises I can do?

Drawing a 60# Drenalin is not a hard pull at all. It's so easy the 10 year old neighbor kid easily shoots mine.

I get tired of shooting a 70# bow,because I pratice shooting a lot,and is why I shoot it at 60#.

If this bow is that difficult to draw at 60#, you may have some type of a problem with this bow.

Did you shoot other bows at 60# and if so were they also difficult to draw?

Well, I didn't have much problem at all drawing my Parker at 60# when I shot it a few times. I just haven't built my muscles up to shoot alot at 60#.

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