Frog legs at a Chinese restaurant? That's almost as bad as me getting fried green tomatoes at a gas station ONCE! I will never make that mistake again.wife ate those at a chinese restaurant one time. she said these dont taste like fried mushrooms. i said that because they are not, theyre frog legs. i thought she was going to puke.
i like em if i gig em myself.
That beer can is only good for disposal of dirty fry oil!Good looking frog legs. Bad beer!
X2. Never had any farm raised that taste anywhere as good as the real deal.i like em if i gig em myself.
How could anybody eat just one leg?Helpful hint. Always cut pairs of legs apart before cooking. Less waste if someone wants just one leg.
Of all the restaurants that I have eaten frog legs at, the chinese restaurants do it the best. American restaurants always seem to overcook them and put too much batter on them. There is a chinese buffet in town that cooks them perfectly with a light batter that has allot of black pepper in it. You have to watch the buffet for them to bring them out and then run up there before everyone else takes them.Frog legs at a Chinese restaurant? That's almost as bad as me getting fried green tomatoes at a gas station ONCE! I will never make that mistake again.