My resident tom turkey gave me the slip once again. He has been gobbling pretty good for the last 4 days. I was on him for a couple hours Monday, but he was on the other side of the holler on the neighbors I don't have permission to hunt on and I just couldn't get him to come over even though I did bring two hens across. He was in the same spot yesterday morning so I didn't waste my time on educating him before I had to leave for work. He his morning I just sat outside listening for him to gobble, and he finally did…basically on my shooting range just inside the woods from my yard. Maybe 150 yards from my porch. I managed to throw my gear on and get into the woods without spooking him. As I was getting to the tree I wanted to sit on I busted a hen off the roost which made him gobble maybe 40 yards away from me. He couldn't see me, but I couldn't do anything but sit down. He continued to drum and gobble once or twice on the roost. When he flew down he landed in the middle of my shooting range and gobbled. I was maybe 60 yards away, but he was on the other side of a briar thicket so I couldn't see him. There was a couple trails he could take around the thicket and come to me so I thought I was good still. He would gobble at me but there were a couple hens with him so he wouldn't come. By this time it was 615 and I was already 15 minutes late to leave for work, so I decided to make a move to sneak around the thicket as close as I could and hopefully get on him. Of course I got busted.