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Do You Hunt Deer With a Small Caliber Centerfire?

Its mostly the bullet choice. I have a 7mm mag that I used hollow point 165 grain in it last year. I shot 3 deer with it. All of the had exit holes the size of a golf ball and larger. This year I loaded some ballistic tip 120 grain going around 3400 FPS. The 2 I shot this year ran close to 100 yards. before they were done. The exit hole was no bigger than the entrance hole. The ballistic are a little more resistant to expanding, but also at 3400FPS they didnt have time to expand.
m411b said:
Wait a minute. Not trying to pic an argument or anything. But you say you wish they would re-institute a 24cal minimum. But in the same paragraph you say that your .243 failed you twice.
.243 is a 24cal, you know that, right?

Correct... kind of. It wasn't my .243, it was my cousin's (who I hunt with, who I was walking with, who took the shots). I say I wish they would re-institute this rule because I feel like this is a marginally adequate cartridge, but I know there is way to much support for it to have the minimum bumped up to say 25 cal. Basically I'm saying .243 should be the minimum, even though I think it is too marginal for me to use personally. Anything smaller should be left to varmints as no matter the construction of the bullet past (below) .24 there just isn't enough mass there to do adequate damage every time... IMO
contendershooter said:
The thing that urks me on those calibers is how high the ammo is. With 25-06 having the 30-06 as the parent case, and 260, 7MM-08, and 338 Federal having the 308 as the parent case, there is no reason ammo for those calibers should be 30.00 a box at Wally World instead of 18.00 like your 243, 270, 308, 30-06, etc...

I agree. It's not like they aren't mass produced, yea they may not be AS mass produced as say 30-06, but I'm sure there are thousands and thousands sold every year. I couldn't imagine the cost of production being that much higher between these caliber. Just supply and demand I believe.
randy said:
Its mostly the bullet choice. I have a 7mm mag that I used hollow point 165 grain in it last year. I shot 3 deer with it. All of the had exit holes the size of a golf ball and larger. This year I loaded some ballistic tip 120 grain going around 3400 FPS. The 2 I shot this year ran close to 100 yards. before they were done. The exit hole was no bigger than the entrance hole. The ballistic are a little more resistant to expanding, but also at 3400FPS they didnt have time to expand.

Good point. I had a buddy that reloaded his 7mm with Sierra hollowpoints and killed tons of deer, even though I'd tell him that wasn't a bullet designed for deer. For how many he shot each year, he felt that he didn't lose many, so what could I say?

Back to the .243 though, I've related how my son's .243 Handi wouldn't group with heavier bullets and a guy actually encouraged me to use the Hornady 75g. hollowpoints. Well, it doesn't matter if the gun prints cloverleafs if the buck is gonna just get up and run off after being shot and knocked off his feet! Yes, if someone's gonna shoot a .243, they ought to at least use a heavier and better constructed bullet that is designed for DEER.
Urban_Hunter said:
m411b said:
Wait a minute. Not trying to pic an argument or anything. But you say you wish they would re-institute a 24cal minimum. But in the same paragraph you say that your .243 failed you twice.
.243 is a 24cal, you know that, right?

Correct... kind of. It wasn't my .243, it was my cousin's (who I hunt with, who I was walking with, who took the shots). I say I wish they would re-institute this rule because I feel like this is a marginally adequate cartridge, but I know there is way to much support for it to have the minimum bumped up to say 25 cal. Basically I'm saying .243 should be the minimum, even though I think it is too marginal for me to use personally. Anything smaller should be left to varmints as no matter the construction of the bullet past (below) .24 there just isn't enough mass there to do adequate damage every time... IMO

25 cal. minimum wouldn't be really any better. a 25-06 bullet diameter is .257 and a .243 bullet diameter is .243. That's 14 thousands of an inch difference. Which would yield you only .007 thousands of an inch more width on any side. So take your .243 bullet and wrap 2 pieces of paper around it and you got your 25-06 bullet diameter. A .243 case is that of a .308 and 25-06 is that of a 30-06. The only big difference comes from the overall length being the 25-06 is roughly 3/4" longer and you can get a 15 grain bigger bullet in a 25-06. Everything else is pretty close.
Urban_Hunter said:
m411b said:
Wait a minute. Not trying to pic an argument or anything. But you say you wish they would re-institute a 24cal minimum. But in the same paragraph you say that your .243 failed you twice.
.243 is a 24cal, you know that, right?

Correct... kind of. It wasn't my .243, it was my cousin's (who I hunt with, who I was walking with, who took the shots). I say I wish they would re-institute this rule because I feel like this is a marginally adequate cartridge, but I know there is way to much support for it to have the minimum bumped up to say 25 cal. Basically I'm saying .243 should be the minimum, even though I think it is too marginal for me to use personally. Anything smaller should be left to varmints as no matter the construction of the bullet past (below) .24 there just isn't enough mass there to do adequate damage every time... IMO

I use a 243 never have shot any other rifle till yesterday when I used my dads 30-06 . I have killed plenty of deer over my 17 years of hunting all with a 243. My father used my 243 once and shot a good buck and never found it it was found a couple days later he says it shoots way to fast and flat for him. I personally love it which is why I have never used anything else. Up until this year I have never had to track a deer they have all dropped right in there tracks. That also could be because every shot I have taken has been within 30 yards or less. The buck I shot yesterday with his 30-06 is the longest shot I have ever taken with a rifle at over 40 yards maybe a lil less
I've dropped plenty deer with the Hornady 75gn BTHP, even with total shoulder(through both) shots to 100yds. with no problems.

I've since decided that since that bullet isn't made for hunting. That I would r&d a 65gn Gameking, and it does the same at 3300fps.. Only the 65gn GK is made for hunting.

Whats funny; I've had .50 muzzle loaders with 250gn bullets and 100gn of powder, not be able to do that at 80yds...

So, we should ban muzzle loaders too!
Using this philosophy, they ought to ban bows because they are only marginally adequate to kill deer. People can, and do, make unethical shots with bows, and there is more propensity for error with them...

Disclaimer: I bowhunt, so do I think that this should or will happen? No! I'm just using the same logic on a different weapon.
randy said:
Its mostly the bullet choice. I have a 7mm mag that I used hollow point 165 grain in it last year. I shot 3 deer with it. All of the had exit holes the size of a golf ball and larger. This year I loaded some ballistic tip 120 grain going around 3400 FPS. The 2 I shot this year ran close to 100 yards. before they were done. The exit hole was no bigger than the entrance hole. The ballistic are a little more resistant to expanding, but also at 3400FPS they didnt have time to expand.

Myth..The faster you push it, the faster it will expand.
chiggerbit said:
randy said:
Its mostly the bullet choice. I have a 7mm mag that I used hollow point 165 grain in it last year. I shot 3 deer with it. All of the had exit holes the size of a golf ball and larger. This year I loaded some ballistic tip 120 grain going around 3400 FPS. The 2 I shot this year ran close to 100 yards. before they were done. The exit hole was no bigger than the entrance hole. The ballistic are a little more resistant to expanding, but also at 3400FPS they didnt have time to expand.

Good point. I had a buddy that reloaded his 7mm with Sierra hollowpoints and killed tons of deer, even though I'd tell him that wasn't a bullet designed for deer. For how many he shot each year, he felt that he didn't lose many, so what could I say?

Back to the .243 though, I've related how my son's .243 Handi wouldn't group with heavier bullets and a guy actually encouraged me to use the Hornady 75g. hollowpoints. Well, it doesn't matter if the gun prints cloverleafs if the buck is gonna just get up and run off after being shot and knocked off his feet! Yes, if someone's gonna shoot a .243, they ought to at least use a heavier and better constructed bullet that is designed for DEER.

If it was the Sierra GameKing HPBT, it is a fantastic deer bullet and even has a thicker jacket than the GameKing SP.
I think really the "killing power" is determined by this:

1. Shot placement

2. Proper bullet and weight of bullet for the game being hunted

3. Penetration and expansion of that bullet

4. Caliber

I guess if we are all honest on here, the .26 calibers/6.5MM's are probably the absolute smallest for deer size animals that would work consistently, but in the real world, as long as you meet the above criteria, your .22 centerfires on up will do the job.
travle said:
25 cal. minimum wouldn't be really any better. a 25-06 bullet diameter is .257 and a .243 bullet diameter is .243. That's 14 thousands of an inch difference. Which would yield you only .007 thousands of an inch more width on any side. So take your .243 bullet and wrap 2 pieces of paper around it and you got your 25-06 bullet diameter. A .243 case is that of a .308 and 25-06 is that of a 30-06. The only big difference comes from the overall length being the 25-06 is roughly 3/4" longer and you can get a 15 grain bigger bullet in a 25-06. Everything else is pretty close.

Well... Not exactly. It has less to do with the bullet diameter (in this case) than with the actual bullet itself. I would say most people shoot 120 grains out of their 25-06, where as I would guess the average .243 shooter shoots 90 grains. If the bullet gets expansion like it should, you are shooting 33% more mass through that deer with a 25. This has to do with that length you mentioned. If you shoot two deer back to back with these two rounds, you will "theoretically" see 33% more damage with the 25-06, considering optimal bullet performance. Not to mention by being heavier it is less prone to wind, rain, leaf, grass deflection. There is really no comparison I believe. I have seen both in action and would gladly carry a 25 in the woods. 243 would be a last resort for me, and would require perfect conditions.
Remmy25-06 said:
SHOT PLACEMENT!!!!!!! I've got a 17 hornet that i'm going to shoot a doe with but it will be head shots only. Killed several deer with 243 with no problems.

Your name is Remmy25-06 yet you are intentionally going to carry a pellet gun into the woods to kill a deer with? What is your reasoning for this? I'm just curious, as I have seen how quickly head shots can go wrong and choosing a 20 grain bullet to take down big game is disrespectful and careless... in my opinion.
contendershooter said:
I think really the "killing power" is determined by this:

1. Shot placement

2. Proper bullet and weight of bullet for the game being hunted

3. Penetration and expansion of that bullet

4. Caliber

I guess if we are all honest on here, the .26 calibers/6.5MM's are probably the absolute smallest for deer size animals that would work consistently, but in the real world, as long as you meet the above criteria, your .22 centerfires on up will do the job.

I have never lost a deer with my .243. Between me and my son we have killed at least 15 with it. None have ever gone more than 40 yards after shot. It is about shot placement and knowing your surroundings. A .243 is not a brush gun. You can't shoot through brush and saplings and expect it to kill a deer. They are an excellent food plot and open wood rifle.

Any rifle caliber you choose requires a properly sighted in rifle, skill on the shooters part and bullet that is suited for the area you are hunting.
I agree, a small bullet is more easily deflected by twigs, grass, etc, but just because you sling a 220gr from an 30-06, or a 300 gr from a 45-70 doesn't mean it will chop down a 4" tree and still hit bullseye!!!

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