Cub Scout Campout


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
Lebanon, TN
Anyone else here with boys going to the Cub Scout campout today? I was told at Monday's den meeting they were expecting 500 kids. It's at Honeysuckle Hill Farms. Might get a bit chilly tonight. LOL!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
Lebanon, TN
When Alex was in 1st grade (Tiger), we were in a DUD of a troop. I was his Den leader and my hands were tied. It was awful. Poor boy sold $300 of popcorn and we STILL haven't received our popcorn. My wife bought $35-45 of it and I had to take money out of my pocket to reimburse the others.

I had to start going to meetings without my son it was so bad. He changed schools in 2nd grade and we couldn't get a den together. Probably just as well I couldn't have got him into it. He never received any of his badges either.

For 3rd grade there's still no den at his school. He goes to a small private school. But Stoner Creek Elem in Mt Juliet let us in theirs. This troop rocks.

I was amazed at the amount of kids. Looked on the sheet and sure enough his old pack did not participate. We woke up to 27 deg temps. I could look around as people were setting up camp and distinguish the people who'd never camped or done it very little.

However, BIG PROPS to them anyway! They took their sons outdoors and made memories and that's the important part.