Clueless About Crossbows


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2004
I haven't bow hunted in years. My boys have been driving me crazy to start bow hunting. Because of sports schedules, I don't see us going a lot during archery season. Also don't want to have to buy two different bows until they get older. That brings me to looking at crossbows. I figure that might be more of a one size fits all solution. I don't know where to begin when it comes to crossbows. I know some have cams like a compound bow and some look like a recurve. What are the advantages of one style versus the other? I guess I just need to be pointed in a direction. Models? Styles? Where do I begin?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
Although very fast and easy to shoot, crossbows are very loud, bulky, and unwieldy. Recurves are even worse as they are wider than the compounds. However, like RutMan said, they are easily restrung.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2001
Greene County
I hear that easily restrung often but same is true for compound vs recurve bow and how often do you have to restring in the field and is a spare string part of your gear to the field? Just doesn't seem like a point to consider when choosing your weapon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Land of Rocks, Mo.
My nickel & Recurves as in Excal are very dependable workers. The spare string thing if'en yer hunting locally is moot. CB's are tools & sometimes its nice to have a backup. Some Brands of Compound CB's you had better buy 2 of them just to make sure you get to hunt fer the weekend!


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
Somerville, TN
It's all personnal preference!! Go to your local archery shop and compare crossbows versus compound bows. Then compare the recurve to the compound crossbows, both have advantages and disadvantages. Prices vary widely depending upon brand, check your listed arrow speed. True crossbows are loud, but if you get one that can fling an arrow 350 fps + most deer want be able to jump the string under 40 yards out. This I know for a fact, I have an Excalibur recurve crossbow and shoot 20" bolts with 150gr broadheads. My arrow speed is 354 fps, checked with a chornograph. I've had my bow for two seasons, this being the third and have taken 11 deer from 40 yards and closer with complete pass throughs on ALL.

That being said, I have only recovered 2 of the 11 arrows I shot and this thing aren't cheap. So check arrow cost compared to regular 28-32" arrow for compound bows.

Have fun either way and enjoy your time in the woods with your children, because that's what life is really about!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
jonesborough, TN
Crossbow IMO is the only way to go. I love mine and they do shoot very fast and very accurate. If I wasn't wanting to spend a lot of money I would look into a parker crossbow they shoot really good and really fast for the price and they do have the lifetime warranty which is great. My father in law has a parker buck buster 150 lbs pull and it shoot 300 fps and It shots flat out to 40 yards. I've seen a few deer killed with them and they get the job. Most of the time it's complete pass through. Another thing I like about parker is the weight of the crossbow they don't weigh a lot and that would be great for any young hunter. I agree with rutman the multi reticle scope is awesome. I myself love the excaliber scopes. I hope this helps and good luck,hope u and your kids have a great time enjoying the outdoors together.

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