Another Doe Down


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
McNairy County

Sorry for the bad picture. I was in a hurry. This is doe number 4 on the year. First one I've even remembered to snap a picture of. I've had a trail cam on a 1/2 acre pond in the corner of some hardwoods that lead out to standing corn for around a week now. Deer were murdering it when I first hung the camera. Since then the action has decreased a good bit. Not sure if my intrusion caused that or if the lack of acorns in that section of timber caused it. Either way I had already decided I'd kill a doe this evening if I got a chance because I can't hunt again for 7-10 days. Around 5:30 this momma along with her twins and a barren doe came up the pond levy from the corn and headed my way. I really wanted to shoot the barren doe but she slipped by without offering a shot so when mom came by and gave me a perfect shot at about 12-14 yards I couldn't resist. Hit her higher than I would've liked but still got both lungs. She went maybe 60 yards and piled up.

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