What’s wrong with our sport


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Knoxville, TN
This series of pictures sums up what is wrong with our sport and why it's been broken by the new generation. The first 13 pages of this turkey hunting catalog are decoys and fans. Rather than calls filling the majority of pages it's decoys and other plastic crutches to make any googan successful. It's pretty appalling


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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Knoxville, TN
Just appalling what's happened...


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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Knoxville, TN
Add to it another 8 pages for blinds. That's 21 pages out of 30 total all dedicated to people who need a crutch. I'm not even mentioning the 4 pages of feeders. All in all 5 pages for calls and camo

There's no denying that this sport has shifted to a new phase and its hideous. This isn't turkey hunting any longer for most, it's some bizarre shooting sport created by new generation hunters unwilling or unable to learn or even worse unable to care about anything other than a punched tag.

Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Lakeland, Tn.
I've used dekes before and would probably do so again but they're only a small part of my arsenal. Anyone that hasn't climbed a ridge before daylight and waited on that first bird to gobble before heading off to do battle is missing the art of turkey hunting. You can't do that carrying a bag full of gadgets around. Today's turkey hunter is much like many of the deer hunters. A blind or stand situated over a food plot is more akin to turkey or deer shooting rather than hunting. I don't see much I'd describe in the way of hunting in either case and you certainly aren't learning much about the ways of your quarry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
I'd quit if I were you. No reason to let what others do negatively affect so badly. Can't be good for your blood pressure.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
Setterman":bezqr75m said:
There's no denying that this sport has shifted to a new phase and its hideous. This isn't turkey hunting any longer for most, it's some bizarre shooting sport created by new generation hunters unwilling or unable to learn or even worse unable to care about anything other than a punched tag.
My sentiments about all this are not as strong as yours, but I do agree with your theme.

As to what's causing much of it?

Sure, marketing "crutch" products (for money) is a big factor,
but I'm not sure that's the main thing behind the shifting more from turkey hunting to turkey shooting.
Similar has happened with deer hunting.

One big factor is the average shooter/hunter is shooting/hunting on smaller & smaller parcels of land. If this reality isn't accepted, then one must accept much less hunting, or shooting, period. With turkey hunting, the OPPORTUNITY for classic "run & gun" style is becoming less with each passing year, at least for the average person. Those with more means, more time, may travel, and pay for greater opportunities.

"Well, ANYONE could be hunting the vast public land of the upper Cumberland, the Cherokee National Forest, etc . . . . ".
Well, what if the 90% of hunters who currently turkey hunt/shoot on an average plot of less than 50 acres, decided to only hunt the vast acreages?
Then you would have 100x more googans on public land?
Always consequences, many unforeseen, unintended.
Be careful what you wish for, or demand?

Behind much of the blinds & decoys lies the reality many hunters face when attempting to hunt the only 20 acres or so they can legally hunt, or legally hunt conveniently? Sometimes it's either that, or don't hunt, don't shoot.
What happens when any of us attempt to "run & gun" on a small parcel of land?
Just push the birds onto the neighbors' lands?

Maybe a big factor is most people have gotten lazier, fatter?

Another big factor is Facebook and other media, whereby many seek recognition, even if from strangers.
It's possible all this may be more about low self-esteem and bragging rights than anything else?

As much as I don't like the direction turkey hunting has taken, perhaps the only aspect (at this time) I'd outlaw is "fanning".
But don't get me started on season dates, number of days, shooting hens, and the annual limit ---- most of which I believe are in excess.

As to all the other items labeled "crutches", well, sometimes crutches are needed for the circumstances many face. Despite our criticisms, many of those crutches don't work nearly as well as advertised, and are often counter-productive. Decoys are a great example. IMO, they save about as many Toms as they cause to be killed.

Let's not overlook the growing popularity of bowhunting for turkeys, either.
Just another way, some different skill-sets, but yes, still an easier way (if using a blind & decoy) to kill a turkey than "run & gun" in a vast forest.

What we're really talking about more than hunting or shooting, may be tradition?

As with deer, there has been a long tradition in many places of hunting deer with hounds.
In other places, that tradition has died of the necessity of fragmenting land ownerships, or new and different traditions instead.
In Texas, there is a long tradition of killing deer over corn feeders, and calling that "hunting".

Then some will argue why is it considered "ok" to hunt ducks with decoys, but not turkeys?
Why is it "ok" to hunt rabbits & raccoons with dogs, but not deer or turkeys?

I don't know what the answer is,
other than for some like Setterman to continue writing and posting his thoughts publically about the merits of traditional turkey hunting. The traditional style he describes is, imo, truly the most enjoyable way of turkey hunting, and absolutely requires the developing of real hunting skills to be done proficiently. It is mostly about hunting, very little about shooting, other than many turkeys die once this hunting art is mastered.

Sadly, there will come a day when most of us absolutely cannot turkey hunt in the traditional run & gun style, even if we have convenient access to vast land holdings where we otherwise could. There may come a day, when even Setterman would rather set out a morning in a blind, calling & watching turkeys, instead of of just watching someone else do it TV. None of us are getting any younger.

Many hunting traditions may in fact be more about shooting than hunting.
Perhaps my dove hunting is really mostly just shooting, but I'm ok with that "tradition".
Opinions vary. I do appreciate hearing them.

My opinion remains Setterman is more right than wrong with what he's saying,
but there is much gray area, varying circumstances, what's wrong for one, may be ok for another.

I hope Setterman will continue to share his writings and thoughts about traditional run & gun turkey hunting.
It is much more exciting than just seeing someone holding up a dead turkey on Facebook.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
First 12 pages in the cabelas/bass pro spring catalog was decoys.
First 8-10 in Mack's prairie wings was decoys. (It doesn't surprise me that from Mack's prairie wings though.)

Don't understand why things that are as deadly to turkeys and fanning and ultra realistic decoys are legal because I think they are decimating the population.

I'll bet it's harder to kill a gobbler baiting with grain than it is to use decoys.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
woodsman04":23potudz said:
Don't understand why things that are as deadly to turkeys and fanning and ultra realistic decoys are legal because I think they are decimating the population.
IMO, what has decimated the turkey population most is too much hunting with annual limits that are too high, at least from a regulatory standpoint.

IMO, we could do more to increase the turkey population by opening the season a week or two later,
and going back to a 2-bird annual limit, than by outlawing decoys.

woodsman04":23potudz said:
I'll bet it's harder to kill a gobbler baiting with grain than it is to use decoys.
No way.
But baiting is already illegal, just shocking how many birds are nonetheless killed over corn piles.
Many those birds are then "legally" checked in, their smiling shooters quickly posting the pics on Facebook.
Most county wildlife officer are trying to catch them, but they have a daunting task, especially when they're also expected to be checking for illegal fishing activities and be first responders for everything else happening in their counties.

A 2-bird limit would go a long way in helping improve our turkey hunting, especially if the season opened a week later.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
One more thing about decoys:

Many who use them are in fact very poor hunters.
They're not even aware how many birds they spook just by setting out and/or retrieving their decoys.
Sometimes, it's the extra noise they make, placing decoys, or putting up a blind.

Yes, sometimes decoys work well.
But if a turkey sees you putting it out, it's game over.
And the more decoys are used in an area, the more the turkeys become "decoy shy",
often immediately turning, walking the opposite direction upon seeing a decoy.
Ironically, often these are birds that could have been called to the gun without a decoy.

As with deer hunting, it's easy to "wear out" a spot turkey hunting,
and the use of decoys can quickly "wear out" their effectiveness much like repeated deer hunting from the same ladder stand.
The "run & gun" style of turkey hunting doesn't "wear out" any particular spot,
but what if we had 10 times more googans attempting it where we're doing it?

Be careful what you wish.
Outlawing decoys would mean more googans walking around messing up your hunting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Knoxville, TN
PalsPal":obdm4dih said:
I'd quit if I were you. No reason to let what others do negatively affect so badly. Can't be good for your blood pressure.

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Ha, I'll never quit. It doesn't affect me, but given the direction of a sport I've loved for going on 30 years I hate seeing it devolve into what it's becoming. I will continue to speak my mind regarding the new generation of hunters and how I feel they are ruining what is a magical sport. All the evidence is right there in plain view for all to see, some choose not to see it, or worse don't care.

The traditional style of turkey hunting is as pure a form of hunting as you can do, and on the other end is this crutch filled kill shot style that's infiltrating and destroying tradition.

Wes, and others are less pointed in their opinions than I, as I'm more bull raging through the china shop, but it's so refreshing to see others understand what I'm getting at.

You obviously disagree with me, so I suggest you gather up your bag of decoys and just ignore me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
The urge to breed and fight during spring overcomes eating. Even with hens, hens move on to nesting grounds regardless of corn feeders.

Throw a strutting gobbler decoy out there and the boss gobbler will come charge it.
Hunt a feeder and there is a good chance he comes by eventually but not always immediately.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
TheLBLman":3qez8uuj said:
One more thing about decoys:

Many who use them are in fact very poor hunters.
They're not even aware how many birds they spook just by setting out and/or retrieving their decoys.
Sometimes, it's the extra noise they make, placing decoys, or putting up a blind.

Yes, sometimes decoys work well.
But if a turkey sees you putting it out, it's game over.
And the more decoys are used in an area, the more the turkeys become "decoy shy",
often immediately turning, walking the opposite direction upon seeing a decoy.
Ironically, often these are birds that could have been called to the gun without a decoy.

As with deer hunting, it's easy to "wear out" a spot turkey hunting,
and the use of decoys can quickly "wear out" their effectiveness much like repeated deer hunting from the same ladder stand.
The "run & gun" style of turkey hunting doesn't "wear out" any particular spot,
but what if we had 10 times more googans attempting it where we're doing it?

Be careful what you wish.
Outlawing decoys would mean more googans walking around messing up your hunting.

I think the "googans" would quit for the most part.

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Andy S.

Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 1999
Atoka, TN
I agree with Setterman, not a fan of decoys, fans, etc. As many of you know, I reload TSS to shoot in my lightweight 20G. If I could vote tomorrow, and it mattered, and I had to make TSS illegal to make decoys illegal, I would. I'd go back to a 12G with lead #4s and get it done in the timber.



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Look I don't like the decoys, but they ain't going anywhere. We would be a random draw tag one bird limit before anything are done to decoys.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2000
I won't knock any of you for your opinions - but I don't get knocking on others for wanting to use decoys either. I have a couple. I'm guilty of using them.

Am I as good a turkey hunter as some of you? No.

Does that make me someone who is hurting our sport? No.

I don't see much difference in arguing over someone using decoys and blinds than someone who uses a centerfire rifle instead of a recurve bow for deer. Is a rifle a crutch because the hunter isn't good enough to kill that deer with a recurve?


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
Knoxville, TN
TNReb":3nw9s7b8 said:
I won't knock any of you for your opinions - but I don't get knocking on others for wanting to use decoys either. I have a couple. I'm guilty of using them.

Am I as good a turkey hunter as some of you? No.

Does that make me someone who is hurting our sport? No.

I don't see much difference in arguing over someone using decoys and blinds than someone who uses a centerfire rifle instead of a recurve bow for deer. Is a rifle a crutch because the hunter isn't good enough to kill that deer with a recurve?

I should be clear, that the hunter who grabs one here and there to take out a bird which is a problem is one thing and something that really doesn't concern me all that much. What I have issues with is the hunters that their entire strategy involves decoys, fans, and blinds. They don't care to understand or care to hunt the traditional way as it's not going to achieve the instant kill they long for.

With that said, I do believe that the population and sport will be far better off when all these tactics are eradicated.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
Jamestown, TN
Look at the mainstream hunting "celebs" and how they are "hunting". Look at the "pro staff". I know a "pro staffer" who couldn't kill a turkey in a turkey farm but that's who is out there being the face of turkey hunting to many younger people showing them this junk. My eyes have been opened to the teenage crowd, a lot of them just don't know that real turkey hunting exists. They think turkey hunting is fanning and decoying because they see the pro staffers and celebs mentioned above doing that. Unfortunately, once they are exposed to that, there isn't much turning back because they enjoy the high kill rate.

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