Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draws


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Sep 7, 2011
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

The rules say "To be considered complete, a structure with minimum dimensions of 4 feet wide, 4 feet high and 8 feet long not to exceed 30 feet in length and not to exceed 300 total square feet with walls consisting of netting, wire or solid material to which camouflage can be attached."

So as long as it meets the bare minimum of 4x4x8 with walls that COULD be brushed. I don't see anything requiring a roof or anything else. Then you're still eligible for the next years draw.

Levee Jumper

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2015
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

I guess not. Like Gunsmoke stated, I suppose you will have to makeshift a rough blind in a garhole knowing you won't hunt it. Which at the end of the day isn't really a big deal but I know there are some that would like to have the spot so they could put in a nice blind to cook breakfast in and enjoy the fellowship even if there are no ducks to kill.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Brentwood, TN US
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

Curious-where are you all seeing in the new regs that you HAVE to stay in the draw and take/build a crap blind? Is there anything in the new regs that state you can't go to the house after all the good blinds are taken like it has always been? I'm not saying it isn't there, but, I did not pick up on that change.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Sep 7, 2011
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

I think it's just an inference based on the way the second draw was described. The video uses Camden as an example, and they say they'll draw 48 names/form parties, and second draw will only have these 48 parties in it. Thus if say after the first 30 blinds are drawn, you may not want the any of the remaining 18, so you could leave. No idea what will happen if they get to a point of no one wants what blind spots remain.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2009
E. Tenn
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

Am I the only person who thinks this will have absolutely no bearing on money changing hands for blinds? A lot of duck hunters are really tight knit with each other and everyone knows everybody else. They will still find a way to buy blinds. May be tougher this year, but I guarantee within 2 years, they'll have the kinks worked out and it'll go on like it always had. Don't ever underestimate a country boy desperate duck hunter. Lol

Why not make it legal to sell blinds? If somebody draws a top 10 pick at any of the big name WMA's, ain't nobody saying they gotta sell it. Truth be told, money talks and if those same people were willing to sell a blind last year, then guess what, they'll be willing to sell in the new system too. Money trading hands must be done in presence of an officer or at a region office with 25-50% of sell price going back to TWRA.
If GW's check a blind and no cardholder present, then after the 3rd time of same non card holder being checked, receipt must be shown of blind being sold.

Kinda like making pot legal. People gonna do it regardless of law, why not tax it and let the funding benefit the agency.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2014
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

This will change nothing. People that are serious and have the money will Continue to buy blinds. Where I draw it's not about having cards. People that buy don't have cards anyway so they're not worried about that. All this new system does is make it harder to get a good blind. As if it needs to be any harder Hurting the honest man It's a shame


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

Why not list your sign ons first then you don't have to get drawn twice for one blind

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2000
Germantown, TN
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

RUGER":2o2oo7jy said:
Why not list your sign ons first then you don't have to get drawn twice for one blind

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All or nothing as a group. Too much like common sense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

I think there is a solution that would fix most perceived problems but like any change some would find fault. You form the groups with 1 party leader before the draw. Restrict the groups to 8 participants max that must be present at the drawing. This would mean someone wanting to sell would have to convince 7 others to participate before the draw. It would discourage mom, sis, and uncle bob that will never hunt from reducing the odds for someone who does. There would not be a "signed on" call at the drawing reducing the draw time. This would also spread the blinds around better so one group of hunting partners would have a harder time of drawing multiple blinds. The choice remains priority of draw and it would be much more difficult for someone trying to buy a card to convince 8 people at once to commit a fraud. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2014
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

This would be a awesome solution. You wouldn't even have to have a group leader. Just a "group". Lol. Instead
Of having 1000 people you have 125 groups. Not have this BS where someone gets drawn and goes walking up
To stage with a buddy or 2. Then waves off couple others that are trying to join him. People will complain they don't have a group I'm sure. But hey just make it a rule and be done with it. If it meant them not
Being able to draw they'd magically come up with one


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

CBU93":s6rnb6jr said:
RUGER":s6rnb6jr said:
Why not list your sign ons first then you don't have to get drawn twice for one blind

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All or nothing as a group. Too much like common sense.

I rekon so. :(
I can see it now, we get drawn number one and then guess what, that turns into number 35 the next draw.
I see the agency wanting to stop the blind buying but I don't see how this will do anything but hurt the honest weekend hunter like myself that just wants a good place to hunt.
Having to get drawn twice is just wrong.
Maybe they will tweak it next year or something.
As of now, they got this one wrong.

I guess if we get drawn we will just have zero sign on's and then maybe up our chances in the second draw?
Just straight up sucks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

The guys who are really serious, the ones buying probably hunt every day. So what if they don't have a card. They can still buy the blind. With all of the cards that went with it. Then, someone will just have to get there early every day. I don't think it will stop all of it. It will be interesting when the first blind is drawn if someone walks up to the group, and makes an offer. As for the people selling, no , its not legal, but also being truthful, most aren't going to turn down that kind of money. Lets say you do expect an offer, you get drawn, would you want 8 more guys as sign ons, who in the event of an offer, you would probably have to divide the money, or since you have gotten drawn, go ahead and go solo, get all the prize. The same ones buy every year, and have for years. So many different ways to do it. As far as adding sign ons, 8 is the limit, but only the first drawn person in the first draw goes into the second draw, so all odds are even in the main draw.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Brentwood, TN US
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

CBU93":3dwhen0v said:
RUGER":3dwhen0v said:
Why not list your sign ons first then you don't have to get drawn twice for one blind

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All or nothing as a group. Too much like common sense.

Would obviously be the best solution.

BUT, can you imagine the logistical nightmare of having to assign 3000+ people to groups prior to the drawing with people arriving all the way up to the start of the draw?

If you went back to the computer draw that was done many years ago, hunters could put in as a group, and then then groups selected could come to the site and do the drawing. It would save a lot of time and gas money for a lot of folks.


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

I see that as well.
I was thinking you take all the cards you are given and paper clip them together with the group leader on top.
TWRA takes that pile and gives a different color card to the group leader and then he / she throws that into the pot to be drawn ONCE for a blind and boom your done.

Guess it's really mute at this point but it just grates on my nerves to know how mad I would be to get a top 3 draw and then it turns into a bottom 3. :(
That will suck for anyone it does happen to. :(

Except for the guy that gets the last pick and then the first LOL


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Brentwood, TN US
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

I continue to see a lot being made about how bad it sucks to hear your name called first when all it means is that you are the first group in the drawing "pool". And, I agree that it would be a bummer not to know that I had the first pick of blinds.

But, the flip side of that, is imagine how good it will feel if you are the last group that goes into the "pool" and the first one drawn to pick.

I'm not sure this new deal will solve all problems, but am willing to give it a chance. It has been obvious for many years that the other system was flawed in a major way. Hopefully this will give some HONEST duck hunters a decent chance to kill some birds.

Dodge Man

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2003
Dyersburg, TN
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

I will be willing to bet that in the end this changes very little. The people that are willing to pay big money for a blind will call up people after the draw and offer to buy the blind or even half the spots in the blind. They can offer to rebuild a old blind, brush the blind and put out lots of decoys.

Not having a card for the blind means nothing in most blinds. If they go through the trouble to put out lots of decoys and have a nice blind they will be there well before shooting time.

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Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

Ok so here is a question.

Say there are 35 blinds available for draw, like at Gooch.
They draw 35 names, get their sign on's and then throw them into another pot and draw again.

After the top ones are gone, what will happen to the blinds that there are no names in the pot to pick from to give them to?
Will those spots just be empty for this year or what?

Granted many won't be worth having, but some will at least be a place to hang your hat?

I could be wrong and all 35 that get in the first pick might stay but I just can't really see it happening?

Dodge Man

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2003
Dyersburg, TN
Re: Proposed changes to this years hand held duck blind draw

RUGER":3mvadsgi said:
Ok so here is a question.

Say there are 35 blinds available for draw, like at Gooch.
They draw 35 names, get their sign on's and then throw them into another pot and draw again.

After the top ones are gone, what will happen to the blinds that there are no names in the pot to pick from to give them to?
Will those spots just be empty for this year or what?

Granted many won't be worth having, but some will at least be a place to hang your hat?

I could be wrong and all 35 that get in the first pick might stay but I just can't really see it happening?

There will definitely be people leaving after the top 15-20 blinds are drawn. Most people have no interest to hunt the bottom 5 blinds.

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