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Food Plots Winter wheat

If I ever get my hunting house built I'll go to strips instead of a field type food plot.
That works amazingly well in overgrown fields like yours. In fact, I've seen hunters work old fields in multiple strips, some mowed (to promote grasses), some disked (to promote weeds), and some planted in cereal grains for hunting. These alternating strips of different habitat type can be a real draw.
One quick add...
If you will kill the field off one year, and overseed with Rye really heavy, the next year the rye will get up to 3-4 feet tall and smother out all the weeds.

Then it falls over and creates a great mulch layer.

You can then broadcast or drill whatever you want directly into it.

We went only do clover winter wheat and oats. We also have corn and beans. We cut out everything else. Spray disc and either lightly disc or drag and you will be good. We drill ours and buy it in bulk from local farmers. We also do dove fields. We switched to only doing this 3 years ago and we have a much better return on investment imo. Deer use our plots a lot more evenly and the food can withstand the winter. We let our head out mainly for turkeys and nest and bugs. But super easy to kill off in the spring and go into spring planting. Yesterday alone out of one of our tripods you can see 3 different food plots total 10ish acres and had 34 deer in them. We add oats to our mainly for the earlyish benefits October and first of November they seem to love them. This cold snap will really get them We are about to have.

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