Wildgame Innovations 360 camera

Hunter 257W

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2012
Franklin County
I just became aware of this camera today. I know it's a Chinese product and as such is subject to spotty performance but it looks interesting anyhow. I like the fact that it can take pictures a full 360 degrees so that you can get a better idea of where deer are coming from rather than just having a picture showing that the deer exists. One question that I was wondering about is how the camera prioritizes which deer it photographs if a group of deer come along on both sides of the camera. I guess it would just record the 1st one that set off a sensor. I can see where it might be a helpful tool to have such a camera but you might have trouble orienting the direction a picture was taken from since it would always be changing. Anybody tried one yet?

A plot watcher camera is probably still better for determining general deer movement patterns over a large area but I do like the idea of a 360 degree camera.

Hunter 257W

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2012
Franklin County
Yeah, that is a big IF when considering a purchase, isn't it?! :)

I do have one of their camera's that I'm using currently and it's probably 4 years old. It works, I'll give it that and it's been used a lot. The pictures are very grainy though. I paid about $50 or $60 for it. I have one of their real cheapo models that I got from The Sportsman's Guide a year ago for $29.99 that never did work. I didn't even bother to ask for my money back. Figured that anybody who would buy a $29 trail camera deserved what he got. :tu:


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
Franklin County,TN
A lot of the old WGI cameras were junk, however their newer cameras have worked really well for me. I have several that i have used for over a year with no issues.

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