Why are counties with cwd in past years, but not in the previous deer hunting year still considered cwd?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
Shouldn't there actually need to be cases in the most recent hunting season for a county to be determined to be a cwd county?

Also, with a majority of cases centered in two counties, what has been done to find the source of cwd and remove the source in those two counties?

Have you experimented with putting chlorine dioxide in the water sources to give the deer a chance to recover? (I understand this can't be done in moving water, but it could be tested in a controlled environment and then used in non-moving watering holes in the two counties that seem to have originated this issue.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
Also, with a majority of cases centered in two counties, what has been done to find the source of cwd and remove the source in those two counties?
The deer are the source. That's why they are promoting the killing of as many as they can. The prions are not a living organism, they are a protein and cannot be killed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
The deer are the source. That's why they are promoting the killing of as many as they can. The prions are not a living organism, they are a protein and cannot be killed.
Did a deer "evolve/devolve" overnight and wake up one morning with this stuff inside it and start spreading it? Very doubtful a buck made this in his home lab.

The deer were likely NOT the original source. The likely original source is a human allowing it out of a deer lab...ever heard of a lab leak before? Or, how about a university wildlife testing facility in one of those two counties where a lab deer escaped or maybe someone was trying to make "their" herd bigger/better?

And, yes, I still think chlorine dioxide can remove prions.

It has been shown to kill Lyme disease spread by ticks and some research suggests ticks are spreading cwd.

Chlorine dioxide oxygenates the body and removes poisons. I will keep talking about cd until it's actually tested on this situation and I'm proven wrong...

Deer don't just drink out of moving water, they drink from standing water. Standing water can be treated with cd. Why not test it on a deer lab farm and go from there...there's nothing to lose and everything to gain and it's a CHEAP and quick fix.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
While there is ongoing testing and research to eradicate CWD including Ames Plantation where I hunt, the current science says there's no cure and it only spreads. Once it's there, it stays there. For now, all that can be done is to slow the spread until better solutions are found.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
While there is ongoing testing and research to eradicate CWD including Ames Plantation where I hunt, the current science says there's no cure and it only spreads. Once it's there, it stays there. For now, all that can be done is to slow the spread until better solutions are found.
So, you've given up already?

Maybe recommend that they study chlorine dioxide and how it's used to clean city water systems, remove Lyme disease, kill covid in entire countries, remove poison after snake bites, kill malaria and aids, etc.

Why not try it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
I'd pay good money to be a fly on the wall when TWRA shows up at my inlaws and says "We're here from the government and we're going to pour bleach in your ponds". Things would get real interesting, really fast.
I'd pay good money to be a fly on the wall when you do some actual research and realize I'm not the government and it's not bleach.

This is the same stuff hikers/backpackers put in the water they take from streams and ponds in the wild before they drink it, you idiot.



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
For those with a desire to learn science and facts based on CWD research to date, this link will provide all of the information you want:

CWD Info

Under the "Learn" and "Hunters" tabs, I recommend reading "CWD: The Basics", "Chronic Wasting Disease FAQ" and "Hunting FAQ" sections.
Interesting: the first headline at that link:
"Chronic Wasting Disease Detected in Additional Breeding Facilities in Frio and Zavala Counties" Texas

I will call and email them and discuss putting chlorine dioxide in their water.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Chlorine dioxide won't do anything because the CWD prion is not a living thing.

Did a deer "evolve/devolve" overnight and wake up one morning with this stuff inside it and start spreading it? Very doubtful a buck made this in his home lab.

The deer were likely NOT the original source. The likely original source is a human allowing it out of a deer lab...ever heard of a lab leak before? Or, how about a university wildlife testing facility in one of those two counties where a lab deer escaped or maybe someone was trying to make "their" herd bigger/better?
CWD came from a research facility in Colorado. After sheep carrying scrapie (CWD in sheep) were held in the facility, mule deer were moved in. That is where scrapie made the jump from sheep to deer. Not realizing the mule deer were infected, after the research project was over, the mule deer were released back into the wild. That is where CWD in mule deer, elk, and whitetailed deer comes from.

There is no "cure" and never will be for prion diseases. The only answer is to let Nature handle the problem. Eventually, animals resistant to the disease will develop, and over many generations, predominate. That is how Nature has worked for a billion years or so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
So, you've given up already?

Maybe recommend that they study chlorine dioxide and how it's used to clean city water systems, remove Lyme disease, kill covid in entire countries, remove poison after snake bites, kill malaria and aids, etc.

Why not try it.
So, I have wondered for a while and refrained from asking but can't anymore, what kind of stock holdings do you have in chlorine dioxide..... You keep pushing it here, for autism, for cwd, for other illnesses. Do you really believe it is this miracle cure for all this?
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WestTn Huntin man

Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 2006
Benton Co.
So, you've given up already?

Maybe recommend that they study chlorine dioxide and how it's used to clean city water systems, remove Lyme disease, kill covid in entire countries, remove poison after snake bites, kill malaria and aids, etc.

Why not try it.

They have been studying this for many many years. The Pirons are in the soil. I wish it was that simple.Extreme Heat is the only thing thats been able to destroy it so far


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
So, I have wondered for a while and refrained from asking but can't anymore, what kind of stock holdings do you have in chlorine dioxide..... You keep pushing it here, for autism, for cwd, for other illnesses. Do you really believe it is this miracle cure for all this?
lol, wish I did but the guy who owned a major chlorine dioxide company took the stuff every day and lived a very healthy life until dying at 98. He owned several patents and his company provides cd to city water departments and for hundreds of other uses. I typically don't talk about things I haven't researched or worked directly with.

This stuff works for keeping animals healthy on farms every day so why not try it at deer breeders and hunting reserves? Where's the risk in trying? That it will fail? Better to have tried and failed then to never have tried.

So, why would the govt try to keep any knowledge of chlorine dioxide away from us?

My wife and I looked at the worst medical possibility that the deepstate or a nuke will throw at us...no medical and no hospitals available and no doctors able to travel to you and no medicines. We ended up with two things: Chlorine dioxide and DMSO for the worst case scenario. At that point we started thinking, "hmm, the missionaries have used this stuff for decades and saved millions of lives, maybe we should be looking at using this on the farm where it might take too long even now to get to an er."

Chlorine dioxide has been used millions of times and no one has died from it so what's the downside from it? Not much. If you take too much you'll get diarrhea and maybe be dizzy. So, you just take less next time and let your body build up to larger and larger doses. But, if, let's say you have Malaria/Ebola and are bleeding from the eyes...take 15 drops and it's dead in 48 hours. you'll throw up most of it, but you won't be dead and enough gets into your system to kill the next onset of a propaganda disease.

Here's a patent that was registered in the US in 2018 that shows when cd is injected directly into a cancer tumor, the tumor disappears. But, let's go with your way and take chemo and still die from cancer because why? Because big pharma can't make money off of cheap natural things and doctors will lose their license if they suggest anything other than a big pharma drug with side affects that include death.

I prefer a way that works and isn't woke. Now that's I've found it, I'm sharing the info to help others widen their ability to think about medical issues for themselves to prep for a worst case scenario...and even use it daily like the cd company owner who lived an active joyful life until he was 98.

Who knows, maybe @BSK could consider this as an alternate to shaving his future prostate...lol.


Seems strange the govt would approve a patent, but say awful stuff about what it can do to save your life and help you live longer and better.

Here's more on the gov't war on chlorine dioxide:

"Can you imagine originating a very beneficial product with safety protocols to help people, and you're vilified and threatened to the point where you have to safeguard your invention, and the information disseminated about it. Then while you and those who are using your designed protocols successfully, are being called all sort of names, the government is issuing patents in secret, to rich companies, to sell knock offs of your invention for top dollars. Imagine that for a moment.

That's exactly what is happening to Jim Humble. As him name suggests, he's taking it in stride. He sells nothing but books. He knew this would happen, so he made sure the information could not be concealed. It's open source. So everyone, even the government can profit from it.

The CDC is even using a knock off of his Ebola Protocol down in West Africa, to help fight the current Ebola outbreak, with an Ebola virus matching the same strain that the CDC has patented. I kid you, not. I expect that the CDC will have an Ebola Vaccine pretty soon.

Just like how they did a knock off of Jim's Malaria Protocol and now has a Malaria Vaccine. This all happened after they allowed the local Red Cross in Uganda to do a Field Test, a Controlled Clinical using CD to help Malaria patients. Everything was done at the hospital under strict scientific protocol and supervision with doctors, nurses and lab technicians and a host of Red Cross volunteers and Local Red Cross Officials. They advertised the testing on radio and 761 people showed up. They tested everyone and found 154 people including men, women and children had malaria.

They clinically documented everything. Then administered CD to to the infected ones. Within 48 hours every single Malaria patient tested Malaria negative to the astonishment of the medical professionals. There were several videos documenting the experience. One Red Cross Volunteer was so impressed that she wrote a whole blog post dedicated to the events of that weekend. They made her delete it. See an archived version here:

Naturally, big pharma doesn't like such things, so the Red Cross denied it even happened. I mean there several videos evidencing the events. The Guy who proudly, and confidently narrated the videos and was so excited about the results, was pressured to disclaim the events. He said he couldn't have the videos showing him in any way associated with the events. Guess he didn't want to lose his Red Cross or funding, or big pharma kick backs..
Proof the Red Cross Cured 154 Malaria Cases with MMS in Dec. 2012

Jim Humble has several specific Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Protocols for Cancer care. When used with the supporting protocols, which are many to chose from, Jim expects patients who are compliant with protocols, while following all recommendations and safety strategies, to have their bodies back in homeostasis and cancer relief in as little as a few weeks.

Those who have medical professionals who can administer CD via IV therapy, can expect their bodies to achieve health and wellness in a much shorter period of time. The body can do amazingly well when its supported with the right things, the right way.

Those who have already being exposed to Chemotherapy and radiation will take much longer for their bodies to heal itself. There will be more fixing that the immune system needs to do, before the body will do what God designed it to do naturally. CD will still support those bodies, but patients will need to be patient and not rush.

Why do patients have to suffer so much when the government, the FDA, the CDC, the EPA, the HHS, the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Commerce, know these helpful CD patents exist? They know these patented treatments work, so why are they not wanting the public to know?

Why are they passive aggressively helping to feed the propaganda while companies are raking in big buck with knock off CD treatments. Are they trying to brainwash more people that CD is unsafe? Is it because of the huge amounts of money that can be made from these knock off treatments.

Are they doing the same thing the FDA did in the early 1990's with Stevia? Then allowing all their elite friends and their companies to patent portions of the plant, then selling it to us at hefty prices?

The originators of the CD cancer protocols only ask for a donation of US$30 for the 3 parts kit that can last a patient a whole six months to a year. Why can't poor folks get a break with truth from the powers that be?

Now, you know why they deleted the more than two thousand videos with people from all over the world sharing their testimonies of how CD helped their bodies heal.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
lol, wish I did but the guy who owned a major chlorine dioxide company took the stuff every day and lived a very healthy life until dying at 98. He owned several patents and his company provides cd to city water departments and for hundreds of other uses. I typically don't talk about things I haven't researched or worked directly with.

This stuff works for keeping animals healthy on farms every day so why not try it at deer breeders and hunting reserves? Where's the risk in trying? That it will fail? Better to have tried and failed then to never have tried.

So, why would the govt try to keep any knowledge of chlorine dioxide away from us?

My wife and I looked at the worst medical possibility that the deepstate or a nuke will throw at us...no medical and no hospitals available and no doctors able to travel to you and no medicines. We ended up with two things: Chlorine dioxide and DMSO for the worst case scenario. At that point we started thinking, "hmm, the missionaries have used this stuff for decades and saved millions of lives, maybe we should be looking at using this on the farm where it might take too long even now to get to an er."

Chlorine dioxide has been used millions of times and no one has died from it so what's the downside from it? Not much. If you take too much you'll get diarrhea and maybe be dizzy. So, you just take less next time and let your body build up to larger and larger doses. But, if, let's say you have Malaria/Ebola and are bleeding from the eyes...take 15 drops and it's dead in 2-4 hours. you'll throw up most of it, but you won't be dead and enough gets into your system to kill the next onset of a propaganda disease.

Here's a patent that was registered in the US in 2018 that shows when cd is injected directly into a cancer tumor, the tumor disappears. But, let's go with your way and take chemo and still die from cancer because why? Because big pharma can't make money off of cheap natural things and doctors will lose their license if they suggest anything other than a big pharma drug with side affects that include death.

I prefer a way that works and isn't woke. Now that's I've found it, I'm sharing the info to help others widen their ability to think about medical issues for themselves to prep for a worst case scenario...and even use it daily like the cd company owner who lived an active joyful life until he was 98.

Who knows, maybe @BSK could consider this as an alternate to shaving his future prostate...lol.

View attachment 188147
Would be great if that really was a true miracle cure for all these illnesses. In the case of a nuke, might also want to have potassium iodide.

As far as cervid breeders, maybe you could pitch it to them. Maybe start with the safari park in Alamo. Let us know if they are open to it and how it goes if they use it.

Dodge Man

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2003
Dyersburg, TN
While there is ongoing testing and research to eradicate CWD including Ames Plantation where I hunt, the current science says there's no cure and it only spreads. Once it's there, it stays there. For now, all that can be done is to slow the spread until better solutions are found.
Best i remember it can live, or stay active in the soil for 15-20 years or some long period of time after leaving a deer. So it will dang near impossible to totally remove it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
Would be great if that really was a true miracle cure for all these illnesses. In the case of a nuke, might also want to have potassium iodide.

As far as cervid breeders, maybe you could pitch it to them. Maybe start with the safari park in Alamo. Let us know if they are open to it and how it goes if they use it.
Already contacted 12 breeder/hunting reserves in the affected area. Already have enough potassium iodide for x # of treatments for my family and neighbors (It will take more than 1 per person to keep the thyroid blocked for long enough for any fallout to clear up, but at the same time, this pi can destroy the thyroid if used too many times in a row. So, the idea with CD after a nuke is to use it to clear the pi out of the thyroid as quickly as possible to stop/limit any damage.

Chlorine Dioxide oxidizes, pushes oxygen, into the body. The poisons connect to it and then are urinated out.

The whole idea people need to deal with is the what-ifs of what could come. But knowing about stuff and not putting on the shelf is useless knowledge. AND, not actually using it while not under pressure and in emotional situations, is just as bad as not having it in the first place.

I hated processing meat chickens last year, but I did it anyway in case we'll need to do it in the future for survival. This Fall a couple people are going to teach me to process a deer when they get theirs and when my wife and I get ours. I won't like it, but I'll do it because I need to practice now so I'll know what to do and how to do it when no one and no internet is available to teach me. lol, it will all probably end up as hamburger. Oh, and my wife taught me how to can the meat. It's amazingly tender and great flavor with no gaminess and makes for a quick meal. Lots more to learn though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
This Fall a couple people are going to teach me to process a deer when they get theirs and when my wife and I get ours. I won't like it, but I'll do it because I need to practice now so I'll know what to do and how to do it when no one and no internet is available to teach me.
Guess I have been processing all of ours for about 20 years. It's not that difficult, just takes a good bit of time, especially if you spend any time trimming the meat. You will have the satisfaction though of knowing you get what is yours and knowing how it was handled.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2000
Huron, TN, USA
For those with a desire to learn science and facts based on CWD research to date, this link will provide all of the information you want:

CWD Info

Under the "Learn" and "Hunters" tabs, I recommend reading "CWD: The Basics", "Chronic Wasting Disease FAQ" and "Hunting FAQ" sections.
Not many of us are here to learn science and facts. We are here to state our opinions, spread our biases, stir the pot, and other entertainment. Don't want no stinkin' facts! 😁

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