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Western Trip Guys: 8x or 10x Binos?

Bro if you can afford to do the trip you can afford the glass. Boots,socks,binos. In that order. Pick up aluminum cans if you must. I have a 30 yo and a 5 yo. I'm 51. Most all of us figured it out you can too. Hell I'll loan you my backup 10x50s but u break them u buy them. It'll save you 20 bucks in ibuprofen.

Your trip will suck if you skimp on binos.

@Mattt I'm 52 with a 21, 17 and 4 year old. I feel you brother. My wife's kitchen remodel ain't done, but I've got a good set of binos 🤣
Just know what you're getting in to if you borrow ^^ this guys binos 🤣

Rupauls Drag Race Reaction GIF
After a lot of research for binos at my budget, I've decided on the Athlon Midas—but I am still agonizing over whether to get 8x42 or 10x42's. I know, it's a topic that's been beaten to death on forums all over…

But I need the "campfire's" take, because like me, y'all use your binos 90%+ of the time in Tennessee. But some use them out West, too.

My dad and I are going after some Western whitetails in early November, and looking to enjoy elk country in the next 5 years.
If you are taking a big trip, consider renting a pair of stabilized binoculars from Lensrentals.com. It's a Memphis based company and you can rent 12x and 15x binos. I rented a pair of 12x last year for a trip to yellowstone. The stabilization was amazing.
If you are taking a big trip, consider renting a pair of stabilized binoculars from Lensrentals.com. It's a Memphis based company and you can rent 12x and 15x binos. I rented a pair of 12x last year for a trip to yellowstone. The stabilization was amazing.
Renting just makes sense now days. With glass technology changing so dramatically every 10 years or so the glass investment you make today will be very outdated in 10 years or so. You will want to throw rocks at a set of 2k binos in 10 years. A set of $200 binos in 10 years from now will be clearer than today's binos.
Renting just makes sense now days. With glass technology changing so dramatically every 10 years or so the glass investment you make today will be very outdated in 10 years or so. You will want to throw rocks at a set of 2k binos in 10 years. A set of $200 binos in 10 years from now will be clearer than today's binos.
The ability to rent a pair of 15 power binos that you can actually handhold would be huge. The stabilization is nothing short of amazing.

I own a pair of 10x but don't regret for a second renting the 12x for my trip.
How'd your trip go? I hope you didn't get your butt kicked by getting caught glassing somebody using your rifle scope. NEVER flag something with a rifle that you haven't 100% already positively identified. I'm shocked it was even recommended in this thread. How would you feel if you picked up your binos to check out movement and saw somebody pointing a rifle at you and looking at you through their scope?
How'd your trip go? I hope you didn't get your butt kicked by getting caught glassing somebody using your rifle scope. NEVER flag something with a rifle that you haven't 100% already positively identified. I'm shocked it was even recommended in this thread. How would you feel if you picked up your binos to check out movement and saw somebody pointing a rifle at you and looking at you through their scope?
I would have marched however many yards that was and climbed however many hills that was and stuffed that rifle up his rear. That's how I would have felt.

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