Went Today (rockfish)

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
McMinn County
My mom and dad have been going pretty steadily over the last couple weeks and doing pretty good on the rockfish. They have just started to come into our summer areas good. I don't have a boat anymore so I don't get to go unless I can get an invite from somebody. They asked me yesterday if I wanted to go with them today so when I got off work I met them at their house and we went after 'em.

We had a very hard time finding shad. It takes about 30 minutes of constant throwing the net to get 10-12 gizzards. Last year at this time you could make a couple throws and get 20-30. We didn't stay long and kept running out of bait. I ended up with 8 that I got in the boat and had 2 break me off (17 pound Big Game) and I was probably had 8 more that I lost on the hookset for just being rusty and not on my game. This one was the biggest of my 8. You gotta be quick on these rockfish when you get them up out of the water; they die easy. So just a quick snapshot and back in the water. Didn't weigh this one; guess it about 10-12 or so.
