Urban Yote Advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Townsend, TN
I'm still in awe of what happened this morning. I live in an older subdivision in Knoxville. My block has about a 4 acre block of woods that runs behind all the houses, and my house sits next to a TVA power line right of way. So I let the dogs out this morning and they did the usual ran down in the woods....long story short I heard a dog barking as I came closer to the edge of the yard I could tell it wasn't either of my dogs so I called them up. Well the lab showed up but my border collied took longer and when she finally came up she was limping. All the while this unknown dog is still barking. Finally I recognized the barking was a coyote from some videos I've watched. So I ran in and grabbed a howler. I pulled the horn off (because it was so close..75yds apx) and gave it a few barks and a short challenge howl. It became agitated and continued to bark back and added short challenge howls. This went on for about 2 minutes and then the yote moved off and then I could see it. No doubt in my mind what that it was a yote.

So what the heck I'm I gonna do about this. I'm in the city limits so rifle's and shotguns are off limits, traps are off limits cuz my dogs will get in them and other too. Should I just try to bow hunt the dang thing??? Maybe use .22short?? I don't think my pellet rifle will do much good. Let me know what you guys think.

If bow hunting them is the way to go how/when should I set up? Should I call or just wait it out?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Townsend, TN
Stik I wouldn't hesitate to do it if I thought I could safely pull it off, but it's just too tight in this area for that load. .22lr is a different story.

I spoke with a few of my neighbors and they are all fine with me bowhunting it. One of my neighbors said she sees it nearly everyday and has for the last few weeks. So I'm betting its a female looking to den up back there. I need to pop her before she pops out a litter if she hasn't already. But if she shows up again when I'm not on stand I will pop her with the ole 10/22. Stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Townsend, TN
It may come to that we'll see. I don't own a crossbow however I'm confident that I can inflict just as much damage with my compound. I'm good out to 40yds on a target that size. So we'll see. I'm hoping it'll be over this weekend.

Thanks for the ideas yall! I'll keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 1999
lenoir city,tn
bobthebowhunter said:
Stik I wouldn't hesitate to do it if I thought I could safely pull it off, but it's just too tight in this area for that load. .22lr is a different story.

i completely understand as i have to watch where i shoot in loudon. i only have about a 45 degree zone of fire. anything outside of that walks. i respect your safety sense. good luck. i hope you figure something out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Townsend, TN
Well I hung a set Saturday hoping all the wind and drizzle would mask my noise and scent. The stand is only 140 yards from my house!lol Hunted it sunday morning with no luck. I'll hit it again tomorrow morning before school. I'm gonna put my trail cam out too. We'll see what all is lurking in my backyard lol.

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