Trouble Motivating


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
IMO, sit this year out. Meditate, take up a new hobby, learn to knit...whatever. If your heart's not in it, may be time to quit.
This is where my head is at honestly. May sell some of my stuff with a "shelf life" to fund other hobbies with the hope I come back around next year or later. I feel like if I force myself to go on this year I will be miserable. Did some stupid stuff last year that sucked the fun out of it for me so a break is probably warranted. I havent even shot my bow this summer and I used to be obsessed with it


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
Lebanon, TN
This is where my head is at honestly. May sell some of my stuff with a "shelf life" to fund other hobbies with the hope I come back around next year or later. I feel like if I force myself to go on this year I will be miserable. Did some stupid stuff last year that sucked the fun out of it for me so a break is probably warranted. I havent even shot my bow this summer and I used to be obsessed with it
You will know as the season gets closer if this is temporary or long term. Obsession is a double edged sword. Focused is what I consider my "healthy" addiction. If you don't have it in you and force yourself to go, may ruin it for life. Who knows, you may have something that's causing this get resolved and you are back in the game at some point.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2019
Middle Tennessee
This is where my head is at honestly. May sell some of my stuff with a "shelf life" to fund other hobbies with the hope I come back around next year or later. I feel like if I force myself to go on this year I will be miserable. Did some stupid stuff last year that sucked the fun out of it for me so a break is probably warranted. I havent even shot my bow this summer and I used to be obsessed with it
Hey...everyones circumstances are different, you know whats best and what works for you...I challenge and push myself to hunt hard...and yes, sometimes its a grind...but at seasons end I dont want to have any regrets.
But if you or themanpcl do take up knitting please consider merino wool....might be able to sell some product on here!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
Loudon Co., Tn
Don't get rid of your stuff, you'll want to use it again somedayā€¦ā€¦been there done that. One of the things that I truly believe helps get our passion back for the outdoors is to just get out there and enjoy being out there. Keep it simple and have fun, just like when we were kids. Always remember that there is no therapy better than being out in God's creation and letting all the worries of the world go.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
savannah, tn., usa
I was near quitting 3 years ago. I wanted to hunt big mature bucks and every lease I was on they killed every decent buck they saw. I'm not bashing it. Just not for me. Anyway I decided to try another lease here with like minded people. Best move I've made in awhile. I'm as fired up now at 55 as ever. Good luck with whatever u decide.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2020
Dickson Co., Tn.
For what it's worth from a really, really old fart.
Deer hunting to me has been something that got into my blood many years ago, going on 63 years deer hunting.
I understand that everyone is completely different and have their own motivations .
Because of my age and physical ability I am very limited to how much and the way I can hunt but I still have the desire and will to keep on.
Quite a few years ago I botched a shot on the biggest 8 point I have ever laid eyes on. I was absolutely physically sick and so emotionally drained that I stopped bow hunting for 3 years.
Up until then I had lived and breathed bow hunting but it did something to my confidence that took a long time to get over.
If you are not motivated then maybe take the season off and then reevaluate your desire to hunt and make a decision after that.
Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
Occupied Tennessee
The last few years when I've shot a deer I have instantly wished I hadn't. That's when I knew I was done. I just didn't want to fool with a dead deer. I got outta squirrel hunting with dogs for the same reason, I didn't want to skin them after they hit the ground. I'll still go with a gun and watch them, but my days of killing deer are pretty much over.


Jan 5, 2023
There are others who have lost interest, too. Like everyone else, I enjoy spending time in the woods and want to shoot a big buck.

Waterboy Bob

Jul 22, 2020
I know some people that once were crazy about deer hunting and have found other hobbies. I used to love duck hunting but don't anymore because I can't find a spot like what made me love it in the beginningā€¦.small secluded spot where you'd kill 5-10 on a good day. My advice, for what it's worth, is to find what made you love deer hunting to start with an remember that feeling. Go back to the simplicity of what it felt like when you started hunting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
Deer hunting is recreation mostly. It's not about food or even big antlers. Most of us have enough of both. If it's not "re creating" you, find something else that does.
I watched an episode of Mountain Men last night and this guy pulled a cow elk out of the mountains on a travois five miles in knee deep snow. I thought to myself. That guy is motivated!


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 28, 2021
I just like getting out in the woods and the fellowship with my hunting buddy. We are at about the same stage in life, I don't think either of us really cares if we kill anything or not. I will usually harvest at least 2 for the freezer if the opportunity presents itself, but I enjoy the solitude of the woods. I had a friend years ago that fished the BASS circuit as a semi-pro fisherman. When he gave that up, I was surprised and asked him why. He said he enjoyed fishing, but the tournaments were too much like work and were killing his enjoyment of the sport. So if you look at it like work, probably best to fins something else that you can enjoy in your free time.


New Member
Aug 1, 2023
The same thing happened to me last year. My kid started Kindergarten, and the whole house was sick until May basically. I had just started a new job also, so that had the stress level pretty high. I think I went out one time, and didn't enjoy it. Luckily, my Dad filled my freezer for me last year. Then summer came and everyone got better. Now I have the fire to get back out there again. For me part of it is having different priorities, but even when I'm fired up about it getting up at 0430 has always been a struggle for me. I can do it for work, but on a Saturday or Sunday it's a struggle. But, I've found afternoon hunting works just fine. My only advise is to not completely close the door on it. You may feel completely different in a few months.


Jan 5, 2010
M'boro TN
Usually the first cool morning of the year is all it takes to set me on fire for deer season. That was today and I felt nothing. Been putting off my deer chores and it's feeling like now I may just phone it in if I do anything at all. The thought has crossed my mind of selling my bow, saddle setup, sticks, closet full of Sitka, etc and hanging it up. Not sure why but I just don't seem to care
Last year we lost our best lease due to timber company selling and new timber company never knew our lease existed. We knew one of the owners of the prior timber company, but he had turned us over to their dept that handled deer leases and didn't think to let us know he assumed their lease dept. had notified us. Long story short, it sold, we we're not notified and lost the lease to another club. Also, my wife and I were building a new house, we moved in with oldest son, his wife, our younger son, my wife and me and 2 Labs in 1100 sq ft house and we still love each other, barely. LOL I did not deer hunt at all last season. First time in 42 years we just had a lot going on.

I had the same feeling you are describing, just not motivated. I got to thinking if something else might be the culprit besides the move, and being old and crodgety. I had started a new medication I talked to my doctor and one of the side affects was not caring about anything not sure the word for it but I didn't care about work, my wife, my kids, life in general. I quit taking the medications as the side affects out weighed the original issue. I feel great, more energized, and excited about the upcoming season. I also started watching this guy on you tube about my age "The Do It Yourself Hunter" and he is very passionate about hunting and encouraging and he has got me fired up for this season.

If you've started any new medications it could be the issue, check with your Doc and good luck this season.

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