Trouble Motivating


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
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Usually the first cool morning of the year is all it takes to set me on fire for deer season. That was today and I felt nothing. Been putting off my deer chores and it's feeling like now I may just phone it in if I do anything at all. The thought has crossed my mind of selling my bow, saddle setup, sticks, closet full of Sitka, etc and hanging it up. Not sure why but I just don't seem to care
It can be an "overwhelming" feeling if you don't have everything lined up. I feel like this is the hardest time of the year to get motivated after a long hot summer. I always feel better the first cool morning during archery season and enjoy it but without a friend or two to get you motivated during off season with scouting, stands, shooting practice and what not I believe there's a good bit of folks that feel like you do.
I was hurt year before last didn't get to hunt, my step dad which is basically the only person I hunted with passed in January of last year so I didn't have the drive to hunt last fall and it looks like it's going to be the same this year. I never have cared about the killing it's the hunting with others I enjoyed most.
It can be an "overwhelming" feeling if you don't have everything lined up. I feel like this is the hardest time of the year to get motivated after a long hot summer. I always feel better the first cool morning during archery season and enjoy it but without a friend or two to get you motivated during off season with scouting, stands, shooting practice and what not I believe there's a good bit of folks that feel like you do.
I mean it isn't just the chores I'm dreading. If it were cool now and season started tomorrow I probably wouldn't go. Sad ain't it? Maybe I will take a year off to let the heart grow fonder or whatever. Just play golf all fall or something
I mean it isn't just the chores I'm dreading. If it were cool now and season started tomorrow I probably wouldn't go. Sad ain't it? Maybe I will take a year off to let the heart grow fonder or whatever. Just play golf all fall or something
Holler at me if you start playing golf. I've got Montlake golf course right out my backyard. Maybe one afternoon we can hit up 9 after I walk out of the woods from hunting that morning.
Usually the first cool morning of the year is all it takes to set me on fire for deer season. That was today and I felt nothing. Been putting off my deer chores and it's feeling like now I may just phone it in if I do anything at all. The thought has crossed my mind of selling my bow, saddle setup, sticks, closet full of Sitka, etc and hanging it up. Not sure why but I just don't seem to care
Hey man, same here.
Lost both parents within 2 years, got a million things to do here since moving last year, moved twice last year, both sons left the house(for good reasons), and every mother flippin time you turn on the news, it's bad news.
The 2020's suck.
For you younger guys, younger than 30, I feel sorry for you.
I went squirrel hunting today, seen a few but didn't fire a shot. Just sat on an old log.
And thought about things.
Lots of things.
Today was a good day.
I mean it isn't just the chores I'm dreading. If it were cool now and season started tomorrow I probably wouldn't go. Sad ain't it? Maybe I will take a year off to let the heart grow fonder or whatever. Just play golf all fall or something
I feel the same brother even got on a new lease that should be great . Things have transpired that will make it hard for me to go out of town any as of right now . Hope I can work out a trip or two as a good fellow on this site put in a good word for me to get on the lease as well. Thought once I retired I'd have all the time in the world but other things have happened to take up my time . Just don't feel excited about the up coming season . But I did buy my lifetime sportsman license which was exactly the same as a yearly sportsman license. Only thing is if I put in for a quota hunt I'll have to buy I guess a type 95. That's what they used to be but anyway that's all I'll have to buy anymore .
I've been excited about the prep work and running cams but told my wife last week I just wasn't overly thrilled that season opens Saturday. I got everything out and ready this afternoon and got all my camo washed. I'll for sure be in a stand Saturday morning but the thrilling anticipation isn't there. Who knows, maybe it'll hit me tomorrow or the first sit Saturday morning.
I mean it isn't just the chores I'm dreading. If it were cool now and season started tomorrow I probably wouldn't go. Sad ain't it? Maybe I will take a year off to let the heart grow fonder or whatever. Just play golf all fall or something
Usually the first cool morning of the year is all it takes to set me on fire for deer season. That was today and I felt nothing. Been putting off my deer chores and it's feeling like now I may just phone it in if I do anything at all. The thought has crossed my mind of selling my bow, saddle setup, sticks, closet full of Sitka, etc and hanging it up. Not sure why but I just don't seem to care
I've been in that state of mind before. Growing up on a farm in rural NC, I started hunting at a very early age. In my 20's, I started shooting archery on a competitive level and did some regional traveling with that. Then I hit a point, several years back now, where I just walked away from everything for about three years. Life had changed. I had changed and I needed that time to just reevaluate my priorities. Started back to hunting in 2017 and have had a fire for it ever since. Never did get back into the competitive archery circuit though. Maybe don't sell everything but just stow it away for the time being. Maybe don't hunt this season. Give yourself time to just reevaluate things and see what happens.
You're not alone in losing interest. It happens at various stages of life and is circumstance specific to each person. I'd suggest before selling everything & calling it complete quits to maybe re-evaluate the reasons you liked hunting in the first place. As we age our interests change because our experiences give us a "been there done that" feeling. It's why humans are so explorative & industrious with innovation. It's built into our DNA to see what's over the other side. Simply put, you might be losing interest because you're too repetitive doing the same thing over & over. Re-evaluate your purpose & goals and change gears a little bit to something different. Challenge yourself. Deer hunting is a diverse interest. You can meat hunt and go the culinary route in exploring the food aspect. You can hunt with buddies in deer camp. You can go solo and hunt only specific bucks. The possibilities are plenty. You can do one or all, whatever floats your boat. And it's all deer hunting. Maybe mix things up and try doing things a different or new way. Or maybe taking a hiatus is exactly what you need. Only you know.
Usually the first cool morning of the year is all it takes to set me on fire for deer season. That was today and I felt nothing. Been putting off my deer chores and it's feeling like now I may just phone it in if I do anything at all. The thought has crossed my mind of selling my bow, saddle setup, sticks, closet full of Sitka, etc and hanging it up. Not sure why but I just don't seem to care
IMO, sit this year out. Meditate, take up a new hobby, learn to knit...whatever. If your heart's not in it, may be time to quit.
Usually the first cool morning of the year is all it takes to set me on fire for deer season. That was today and I felt nothing. Been putting off my deer chores and it's feeling like now I may just phone it in if I do anything at all. The thought has crossed my mind of selling my bow, saddle setup, sticks, closet full of Sitka, etc and hanging it up. Not sure why but I just don't seem to care
This hit me a couple of years ago when we lost our lease in Putnam county. All I have now is public and I'm 60 now.
I was hurt year before last didn't get to hunt, my step dad which is basically the only person I hunted with passed in January of last year so I didn't have the drive to hunt last fall and it looks like it's going to be the same this year. I never have cared about the killing it's the hunting with others I enjoyed most.
Brother if you ever get up my way, you are welcome to join. Might not see a deer, but bear's are plentiful.
sometimes you just have to shake things up a lil. personally i have never had a problem with motivation. i hunt every season velvet thru late antlerless. then i start winter deer chores. spring turkey, spring deer chores, summer deer chores and then hunting again. i do understand that losing motivation can happen. if i ever lack motivation to get out and prep or hunt, i'll be knitting....
Dont quit. Make yourself get up and go. Sometimes when I'm tired or lack motivation I have to push myself....but once I'm on stand and feel the cool breeze, breath the fresh air and spend time away from the fast pace of life...I remember why i love it...killing a deer is a bonus...The older I get the more I appreciate the slower quiet time in the woods.
So atleast go a couple of cold November days and reflect on what is good and appreciate the opportunity to just be outdoors....then evaluate if you want to quit....sometimes you just gotta push yourself.

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