TFWC credit where due


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Let me start by saying this entire draw process and tier system is crap and I hate it and I will continue to spew forth till it's over.

I sent another round of emails to all the TFWC members the other day.
The first few I would get a rubber stamp type reply, probably from some secretary or somebody, who knows.
Lately nothing but crickets.

Yesterday Mr. Hank Wright called me.
We had a nice discussion and he was in no way eager to get off the phone and I could honestly tell he cared.
Nothing lead me to believe he would change his mind in the matter though.
For example I used blind 34 for an example and I said my group has been dreaming of drawing this blind for 10+ years and when we finally do now it will be for just 3 days.
His reply was along the lines of, well now you get a chance to hunt it three times a year.
Dude just don't get it.

Anyway, just wanted to give him props for getting back in touch with me and not just with a short pointless email.
He did tell me that even if I didn't hear from any of the TFWC members he assured me that they read every email and they do care. dunno?

The ONLY remotely close to good things I came away with is number one, and he did NOT say this, just the feeling I got.
If this fiasco turns out to be an utter failure there is a chance it would go away, maybe, possibly.

The only other thing was something that @woodyard and I talked about earlier this year.
I said well maybe the only good thing that would come out of this is maybe they will fix the road.

For the ones that don't know, the access road to Gooch used to be a state highway. At some point it was abandoned by the state and became a dead end road. The bridges aren't even capable of handling more than 5 tons according to the state or whoever decides that stuff.
The road was then turned over to the county to maintain.
I'm sure they don't have the money to maintain a road that goes "nowhere".
He said the agency had been doing what they could to make it better.
He said the TFWC have been hammering for legislation to acquire the funds to fix the road so there's there.
Could for what they spend on the tuna cans they could have done alot of work I would think.

Anyway I am done just wanted to give a shout out to Mr. Wright for getting back with me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2020
If they truly care, why are they going against the overwhelming majority and shoving this down our throat?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
For the ones that don't know, the access road to Gooch used to be a state highway. At some point it was abandoned by the state and became a dead end road. The bridges aren't even capable of handling more than 5 tons according to the state or whoever decides that stuff.
The road was then turned over to the county to maintain.
I was driving down this road last weekend and thought the same thing. Then I thought "what will they do if one of the bridges fails? Will they just stop the hunt?"

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