Food Plots Tall Tine Tubers


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
Dallas, TX & Signal Mtn, TN
I'm really pleased with how these turnips are coming along. This is the Whitetail Institute Tall Tine Tubers product. I planted them back on 8/29, so it's been 5 weeks with very little rain until recently. When I first started working this plot back in August 2014, the soil pH was only 4.5. After spreading many bags of lime over the past year, I've finally got the dirt close to the optimal range. The deer are nibbling at these now, but they are supposed to become much more appealing after a few frosts. I hope that's how it plays out because I would like this to be more of a late season plot. About 30 yards from this plot is my Imperial Clover plot, and the deer are hammering it twice a day. No bucks, though. Just lots of does right now.

