Off The Wall

Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Lakeland, Tn.
OK all you taxidermists I think I have a first for all of you. Years ago I used to got to the Pink Palace Museum in Memphis. Every time I did I'd stand flabbergasted in front of one exhibit; a shrunken head hanging in a glass box. It was about the size of a baseball and had long hair and a full mustache. I wanted that thing bad and of course I'd planned on hanging it from my rear view mirror. Anyway I was talking to my granddaughter and telling her about it. She was fascinated. She was asking about a couple of the deer heads on the wall and I told her I wasn't going to mount anymore unless I was attempting a shrunken deer head. (That's probably the only way I could get my racks to "look" bigger, lol.)

Do you think filling a skinned, fleshed cape with hot sand (further research needed) would net the shrinking results?

AT Hiker

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
Clarksville, Tennessee
Not exactly sure what your asking....but if you simply flesh all the red meat and dry preserved the hide with borax it will shrink up A LOT. In order for it to shrink a lot just remove the red meat and fatty membrane.

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Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Lakeland, Tn.
I guess I want it to shrink a lot??? In casual research shrunken heads shrink down to about 1/3 of the original size. Far fetched and I'll probably never attempt it but it would be a novelty on the wall with a 110" rack mounted on it.... sort along the lines of a jackalope.