Sold/Expired Gramps "hangalator"


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
My bad guys. I talked to Eric and he said fine run it till tomorrow evening.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
Dallas, TX & Signal Mtn, TN
I have a product like this that I take with me when I hunt public land in Kansas. I love it. I hung a doe from it two years ago on the side of the road while I skinned and quartered the deer for the cooler (Coleman, not Yeti). You should have seen the looks I got as people drove by. It didn't take long before the game warden showed up and asked me what the heck I was doing. My papers checked out fine, so he tried to get me for hunting with a gun in a bow-only zone. He searched my Tahoe and bow. I asked him if I was breaking the law and he said no but that I wasn't doing him any favors by hanging a deer carcass on the side of the road for everyone to see. I asked him what he wanted me to do with the cleaned carcass when I was done. He told me to toss it in the ditch and feed the coyotes. Then he shook his head and left.

The morale of this story is - be careful where you use this device. It can draw attention and result in a visit from the law when someone freaks out from seeing your skinned deer carcass dangling in the air on the side of the road.