Got another one this morning (updated w/ pics)


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2003
Middle TN
Took a friend this morning. We got set up in the hot spot. One was gobbling WAYYYYYYY down in the valley below. After an hour, we determined he was henned up, so we moved. Across the creek, through the briarpatch and wet grass, a half mile to the other side we go. Get over there, and nothing. Nothing at all. So we head back to another place. Back across the creek, down a muddy lane. By this time, we had worked up a good lather in the humid air! I hit the box call and hens started cackling, about 100 yds away. Quickly set up, and called, only to have hens answer. We move closer to the hens. Here we go again. :crazy: Gather up the decoys and take off. Get set up and hit the call and.............GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!! One in front of us, one to the left and two gobbling to our right. :cool: None would leave the hens they were with, so we decided to crawl through the tall grass and tree tops t put the stalk on the two to our right. At 100yds away, we could see two toms, all blowed up and two hens with 'em. Arghhhh!! So, we belly crawl to about 60 yds. My buddy gets set up behind a huge oak and I hide behind another one about 20 yds behind him. I am only calling, my buddy is the trigger man!! The toms would not leave the hens! :mad:
Finally one hen started toward my buddy, and gets to within 10 yds of him. She never knew he was there. The other hen starts meandering down the hill toward the valley. You guessed it; the toms started following that one!! So I did a loud cackle, followed by some yelps and soft purrs. They turned around and headed back toward us, very slowly, gobbling at every step. I would purr, they would gobble, stop and look. Finally, at 44 yds, my buddy squeezed off the shot. End of story.

9" beard
1" spurs
19.51 lbs.
Winchester Supremes 3" Magnum
Jelly Head Choke ( and I can see why they call it that!! Look at that head!!) :eek:

We had to work for this guy, but that's what makes it fun!!

