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go-no go gauges ??


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2001
Copper Head Road
how much tolerance is there between the go no go gauges,,from the shortest the go gauge will go to the longest the no go gauge wont??
No, usually there is a difference of .006 to .007" Great headspacing is about .002" over the "GO". i.e. a .300 Win Mag "GO" is .220, " NO GO" is .227". I turn the barrel until I get barrel against lugs, measure the shelf, cut down to .224"-.226" to offset the bolt face recess of .003". This gets a headspace of around .002". Tight fit, no excess pressure build up, and little to no chance of piercing a primer.
Mr Big or Greg

I have a 7-08 barrel coming for my Savage 10. I have read about how to headspace with the GO NO-GO gauge. I need to buy some gauges and a wrench, do you have any advice on the matter.

I have seen them for sale at various places but are the gauges all the same as far as quality and what about the wrench? I have a smooth nut not the notched nut on the barrel.

I got my gauges at Grizzly and wrench from Midway,,actually the wrench for your nut came with the notched wrench and you can have it if you want,,it comes with a brass shim you wrap around the nut then you tighten the wrench around it,,I will see if I can find the shim,but I would assume you could get the brass feeler gauge from a cheap set and use that for your shim,,

let me see if I can find it and PM me your address and I will ship you the wrench,,

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