Foul Weather Fishing Comments Please


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
Everybody knows we've had more than our share of foul weather in recent days. I'm writing a story about foul weather fishing and I'd appreciate hearing some comments from the TNDeer crowd. Answers to these questions (or anything else you want to add).

(1) Do you think bad weather affects fish/fishing and if so, in what way?

(2) Does foul weather discourage you from going fishing on encourage you to go fishing?

(3) Any other foul weather fishing comments/insights you want to add.

Comments "for the record" please... if you don't want to be quoted publicly, ignore this. :)

It's not absolutely essential, but I would appreciate having your REAL name. If it's not in your profile and you don't want to post it, PM me.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2002
Knoxville-Dover-Union City, TN
As often as not, I've had good to better fishing luck during "foul" weather.

Does foul weather discourage me from going fishing?
Only when I see it as dangerous.
I'm not purposely going out in a thunderstorm.
Nor do I want to be caught in high waves in a small boat.

More often than not, extremely foul and/or dangerous weather
simply changes where I fish.

Lastly, I do not consider a light to moderate rain to be "foul" weather,
but is sure can be a great time to catch the fish biting!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2001
Charleston, TN USA
(1) Do you think bad weather affects fish/fishing and if so, in what way?
I have seen fish turn on during periods of rain. Areas where runoff is spilling off banks etc, will hold some fish. I guess they are looking for food being washed in the water or perhaps cooler water being introduced. Fish are already wet so I don't think rain bothers them too much.

(2) Does foul weather discourage you from going fishing on encourage you to go fishing?
I don't like getting my boat carpet soaked because it takes days to dry out that will cause me to skip rainy days more than personal comfort. As long as it is not heavy storms with lightening and high winds I will tough it out and keep fishing if I am already out on the water.

(3) Any other foul weather fishing comments/insights you want to add.
Make sure your bilge pumps are working if you fish in heavy rain.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2013
Carroll County
1) Weather definitely affects fish, if we understood exactly why, we would call it catching instead of fishing. I have seen it affect them in good ways and bad. I love catfishing right after a big rain/thunderstorm but you must be there when it quits.

2) Bad weather does discourage me from fishing these days but not so much when I was younger.

3)Growing up, dad would always watch the weather and plan our catfishing trips around thunderstorms. If it was calling for severe weather, we would head for the steam plant at New Johsonville and try to be there before the storm hit. These trips were usually in the evenings/nights. We would take shelter and wait out the storm and put our baits in the water as it ended. Man we sure had a many memorable trips like that. We did have a rough night one night. A tornado came through about 20 miles north at Paris Landing. It got pretty sketchy that night. I was all of 6-7 years old. I don't recall it scaring me all that bad but I think it scared the bejesus out of dad considering he brought his young son along.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
benton co.
1. if its a low pressure system typically before a storm, its a good time to be on the water, if its safe. year before last i caught some of my best shallow water crappie while watching the lightning in the background. it was almost if someone had turned on a light switch. i also like a misty rain and overcast day.

2. i will fish before a storm but not during or during high wind or heavy rain on mid and north section of Ky lake. you can get into some serious trouble with 3-4 ft waves quick.

3. wear a good PFD in foul weather. a good old fashioned orange one that will keep your head positioned in case you are knocked unconsious. also make sure your batteries, bilge pumps, and nav lights are in working order. get a good weather forecast, if there is such a thing, before you plan a trip. as far as a fishing tip, try some shallow action around a creek runoff and cast to the edge of clear/muddy water or if there are descent waves fish the side in the direction of the waves. the waves will sometimes move baitfish toward the banks.

T. Willis

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