Easy Camp Chicken and Dumplins


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
Chattanooga, TN
I was privy to the Easy Duck Camp Chicken and Dumplings this past weekend. We could have had Duck and dumplings if we had killed any ducks.
Recipe as follows:
Quarter 2 whole Chickens and boil until done. Slow to medium boil. You will over cook and make them tough if you are not careful.
remove chicken and drink a couple beers allowing chicken to cool.
After a beer or 6, debone and pull chicken in medium size pieces. Remove all skin and fat while pulling chicken.
Seperate 2 packs of frozen dumplings, Mary B's work good, and place in pot at slow boil.
Return shredded chicken to pot and immediately break a dozen eggs and drop in boiling pot. If your party will turn up their nose at egg yolks in their dumplings, just use the whites.
Salt and pepper to taste. In my opinion the yolks are just a bonus. I put hot sauce on mine.
Allow to rest for 30 minutes (3 beers).
Get yours first and tell all the rest to dig in.
I want to add vegetables to mine, but not sure what would be best.
Any suggestions appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2006
east tn
if you have not tried a can of sweet peas in dumplings you have been missing it :) if you have no chicken but have dumplings & chicken stock make the dumplings in the stock then add the peas,you can drain them if you wish or add the water in them.momma made them some times & it really kicks up a meatless dish.mike243


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2009
Burns, TN
easier way for dumplings, especially in a camp is to use flour tortilla's. just cut them up in strips. simple, easy, and cheap.

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