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East Tn MTN Deer?

Theres tons of places to hunt up holston, but you gotta spend the time hikin to find them. Good huntin up around the lake but there are always a ton of people up there. I stopped huntin up there cause all the pressure then i figured out how the deer avoid people up there. Mountain deer are tough but they are still there just gotta find out where the orange army is drivin them.
Dad went to paint creek today I will talk with him and see what he had seen or found and post it on here but its bad when he wont even tell you where he is seeing deer when he was on vacation opening week all I got was I seen a doe in Unaka but thats it well where were you up there his reply in the mountain he likes hunting the rock creek side i go up the other way so he could tell me and I wouldnt have a clue
spoke to dad he said he seen 4 this morning going into the mountain 1 nice buck chasin does in someones front yard went on up the mountain and found horned trees and scrapes that has not been there until now so sometime in the past 5 days this may become a promising spot for him
holstonangler said:
Hill Country Hunter said:
BluegrassDan said:
Killed a four pointer yesterday in Carter County, but only because some rabbit dogs chased him right to me.

I'm surprised you are bragging on the internet about doing something against the law.

What is he doing that is against the law?

It is illegal in TN to take deer chased by dogs. That includes rabbit beagles.
If they weren't his dogs or had someone running deer to him on purpose.... not his fault the deer was running from the rabbit dogs.... they may have been running a rabbit anyway and just bumped him out of the area.
Around 9:30 a.m. I heard some beagles a long way off � to 1 mile away. They were barking for about 5 or 10 minutes and quieted down. All was silent until a few hours later, just after noon, when this little four pointer jumped out of a laurel thicket to my right about 100 yards out and slowed down to a stop about 60 yards in front of me. He stopped, looked behind him, and stayed still long enough for me to zoom my scope up a little, shoulder my gun, aim, squeeze the trigger with the safety accidently still on, flip the safety off, re-aim, and shoot him. The deer dropped right there.

A few seconds after my gun went off I heard a dog sound off, then accompanied by a couple more, on the other side of a ridge, about 100 yards past where the deer jumped out (probably 200 yards away from where I was sitting). A few minutes later they appeared from down the holler and ran up to where the deer and I were. I waved my hat and hollered to run them off.

In my earlier post I said imprudently that they chased the deer right to me, which was a hasty and precarious statement without an explanation. I�m very much aware of the law of knowingly taking a deer being pursued by a dog or dogs, and I do not advocate illegal activities because I value the privilege of the sport.
Grizzly Johnson said:
If they weren't his dogs or had someone running deer to him on purpose.... not his fault the deer was running from the rabbit dogs.... they may have been running a rabbit anyway and just bumped him out of the area.

The law does not say they have to be your dogs or running at your behest. Otherwise, you could just get a bunch of yahoos out in the woods and run your deer dogs, as long as they all say, "Well, I didn't ask him to run those deer dogs."

As far as shooting a deer that was not being run by the dogs, but just decided to clear out of the area, that may very well be okay, but that was not what Dan said. He said the dogs were chasing the deer. I have no personal knowledge whether they were or weren't chasing the deer, all I could go on was his own post.

Edited: Dan, I saw your follow-up post after my response above. It sounds like there was no way for you to know the dogs were involved when you shot. Congrats on the deer, and good luck with the rest of your season!
Hill Country Hunter said:
Grizzly Johnson said:
If they weren't his dogs or had someone running deer to him on purpose.... not his fault the deer was running from the rabbit dogs.... they may have been running a rabbit anyway and just bumped him out of the area.

The law does not say they have to be your dogs or running at your behest. Otherwise, you could just get a bunch of yahoos out in the woods and run your deer dogs, as long as they all say, "Well, I didn't ask him to run those deer dogs."

It's water under the bridge now because of the OP's last few posts explaining the situation....

If a neighbor were to be rabbit hunting on his property (his business).... while I was on my property deer hunting (my business) and his dogs bumped a deer by me on my property.... chances are it will be ground checked should the trigger finger get itchy....