Doggone TVA

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
McMinn County
Friday I checked the app for the water release schedule for Apalachia dam...aka the Hiwassee river. It was 0 generation until 11 am and then 1 generator from 11 to 11 pm. So off I go after work. Get up to the powerhouse at about 9 and it's just me and my buddy there. I get out in it. The water was a little murky but immediately I started catching trout. Caught several browns and only one rainbow...kind of odd for me there. Then at 11, the alarm sounds at the dam. Generally, when they've not been running water and then bump 1 turbine on, it starts a big fish feeding frenzy. I went to my favorite spot for when they do that and waited. My buddy didn't want to get out in the water with it still being cold so he was fishing from the bank. The water started coming up and I began fishing and waiting for that big bite. Man...that water sure is loud and getting swift. I turn and my horror, my marker rock that I generally go by to gage the water under water and that means...they've turned 2 turbines on instead of 1. Ohhh crap. 1 turbine is wadable in. Two will kill you faster than you can blink. I tried to stay calm but knew I was in a pickle. Fishing was over and now it was trying to get out alive. Water that is normally knee to crotch deep with 0 to 1 about chest to neck deep with 2 turbines and SWIFT. Even the shallower knee deep water is so swift it will take your footing and knock you down. I began side stepping/scooting to get to the nearest bank. I was slowly making progress when I stumbled on a rock and that, combined with the strong current = Crow off his feet and at the mercy of the river. My waders, jacket, etc got water in them...even with the wader belt on. I ricochet off some rocks and lost nearly all my gear. Ended up quite a ways down river and just kept afloat til the river angled me to the bank and was able to get out. Not a fun experience. 😕 I loaded up and we left immediately. By the time I got home, got out of my wet clothes and such, my legs and toes were nearly blue/purple from being cold. I got up to go to work and I feel like somebody beat me with a stick from where I guess I bounced off rocks. All for a few trout that I didn't even keep. From now on...I don't care what the friggin app says...when that alarm goes off, I am OUT. Yes, I know the disclaimer is there about it being subject to change...but usually it is right on.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
Occupied Tennessee
I rode that ride at the caney one time, it was my daughter's prom night and I barely made it to the bank. She'd been pissed if she would've missed her prom dragging the river for dad. I did about the same thing,saw a rock go under and looked upstream and watched one riffle after another disappear, I was bouncing on my toes getting across the last riffle and was scrambling and clawing up the bank to get away from the water. I'm glad you got out, it would be so easy to get pinned against a tree or something then it keeps rising and you're done.

Crow Terminator

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 1999
McMinn County
I actually had a similar experience on the same river a few years ago but it was because I misread the schedule. It wasn't nowhere as bad as yesterday though. I get funny looks but I wear a Chinook PFD when I wade fish that doubles as my fishing vest with the zipped pockets. I attribute it to possibly saving my butt twice now. I did however, lose several items out of my pockets. If anybody is up on the Hiwassee when the water clears up, they'll find my good pliers, box of hooks, sinkers, etc. I didn't lose my rod and reel though!


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Oct 10, 2011
Had a similar experience below Tim's Ford Dam. This was pre app era. Horn sounded off and before I could grab my stuff up I was knee deep and slinging stuff. Scary situation


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2001
Northeast TN
I have done the same before on the same river. Grew up in Cleveland and my brother and I fished it a lot. We had spots we would go and wade when they were generating and have had to swim out a couple times when I loose my path I walked in on. It can be frightening when you are in over your head and can feel yourself being pushed down river then can stop yourself when you can feel bottom again. Biggest I learned is to stay calm and keep your feet pointed down stream and float it out till you can get traction again.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2017
Soddy Daisy, yes it's a real place
Dang brother glad it wasn't worse and I had the same experience up there before. Laid all my stuff on "my rock" and went to fishing. I had no idea the water was coming up so fast cause I was walking/wading/fishing. Then I saw a fishing backpack go by and a small soft cooler and thought some unlucky fellow tipped their canoe. I turned around and realized that was my crap floating by. If anyone was up there that day they probably thought they saw Jesus walking on water but it was my long haired self skimming water before I ended up as a statistic. I make my boys wear life jackets and stay close to me. Even on my youngest I'll have him tethered to my belt.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
Just remember the generation schedule is only for the foreseen future IF TVAs schedule stays on path. If another plant trips or if they lose a line or substation somewhere then they may have to produce more generation than scheduled. Also if say Apalachia trips a unit and they're trying to restart then the sirens will go off even if it doesn't generate. Just keep your head about yourself when fishing any TVA waters like that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2022
Wait...I just have to ask for the one or two people wondering:

"Did you make it out alive?" ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
SE Tennessee
Wow what a story! Glad you came out okay. Plucked two kayakers out of the water last summer. Female was borderline drowning and exhausted. Snagged them in a bend of the river. Gave her a ride to place they rented kayaks. They were there for their wedding anniversary. She didn't want to go. He will hear about that for the rest of his life!

That river is truly frightening when flowing maximum water.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Polk County
Wow what a story! Glad you came out okay. Plucked two kayakers out of the water last summer. Female was borderline drowning and exhausted. Snagged them in a bend of the river. Gave her a ride to place they rented kayaks. They were there for their wedding anniversary. She didn't want to go. He will hear about that for the rest of his life!

That river is truly frightening when flowing maximum water.
I'm at the point that I don't really even wanna fish there. I had a similar experience as the op and We always check the schedules but for some reason they will almost always start generating when the fishing gets good. I'd rather drive to Tellico myself.

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