
Mud Creek

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2013
Reaction score
Mid TN
How deep should seeds be planted?

After seeds are planted should area be covered until I have sprouts? I saw a video where after seeds were planted in ground they soaked the row, then laid cardboard down until they had sprouts(week or so I believe it was), is this necessary/helpful?

We did some in containers that came out yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with them but think in ground would have been better so going to make a late planting. Got to make sure I have some for soups and roasts!

Thanks in advance.
I hope you're planning for your fall garden. It's way too hot now to plant carrot's.They do best in fall or very early spring . Depending on the type you grow 1/2' to a 1" apart is enough.. 1/4"to 1/2" deep. The seeds are so small it's hard to get the spacing right. I've found it easiest to mix the seed with sand. About a 50-50 mix. I use my fingertip and make my rows about 12" apart then just broadcast the seed up and down the rows . I sprinkle my soil my hand to cover them and don't pack it down at all. Just lightly sprinkle water over them . They can't bust through compacted soil at all.
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How deep should seeds be planted?

After seeds are planted should area be covered until I have sprouts? I saw a video where after seeds were planted in ground they soaked the row, then laid cardboard down until they had sprouts(week or so I believe it was), is this necessary/helpful?

We did some in containers that came out yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with them but think in ground would have been better so going to make a late planting. Got to make sure I have some for soups and roasts!

Thanks in advance.
I think the idea with cardboard is to avoid soil compaction from rain. If I see heavy rains are in the forecast I cover with some straw or leaves that have been chopped up with my mower.

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