Another quick hunt


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
Thanks everyone, I enjoy any and every opportunity to chase thunder chickens. If im lucky enough to tag one it only sweetens the pot. Being a completely self taught turkey hunter I have endured many a let down by spooking a silent tom slipping in, calling too much too early and wondering why the bird went the other way tight lipped, missing when I thought there's no way to miss and other bad decisions i still make every season, lol.That being said if I don't ever tag another bird I do know all of the ones I have been fortunate enough to take were earned through dedication, patience(most of the time) and persistence. I still get tore up hearing em gobble and watching them respond to calling, there's nothing like it.
I feel your pain that's exactly how I feel, there was no turkey in this part as I was growing up so when they came I have been teaching myself to hunt them over the years, if I was a baseball player my stats would put me back in preteeball