Got out here to my spot before daylight. This morning had one gobbling on the roost. Then I heard a hen in the distance getting ready for fly down due to the cackle. I cackled down and made it know. Of my presence. I heard the boy fly down. He was gobbling his head off. I hit him with a yelp a few times and got him to respond back. He went out into the field a few mins after two hens. He was still interested and put on a show for me. He stayed about 60 to 70 yards out and strutted and gobbled. He was interested in my call. He never would close the distance I think because he had two in sight and me sounding good but he couldn't see. Eventually he trotted away with the other two. This is one morning I wish I would have sit out a decoy. Now I'm sad and the world is quiet again. This went on for about 45 mins it seems.