Another 243 ammo question...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2016
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Anyone ever use these for deer. If so, how did they perform? I've got some Hammer hunters due to be here Monday. If these are less than ideal, I'll pull them down and use the brass for the HHs.
Those have always been very accurate in my 243's. I've never used them for deer but I they typically get 20"+ of penetration in gel tests so I can't see them not working on a whitetail.

I agree with the other guys on Federal brass, not a fan.
Never used that weight in our 243.

Still have some 75 grainers in a black and red Nosler box. Used them on coyotes in Southern California. Didn't care about penetration I needed accuracy and high velocity. 3300 FPS IIRC. Maybe a touch faster since I recall not getting even flattened primers and I tend to look for that as my first sign of pressure.
Know a guy who used that same load in a 15" T/C Encore handgun and he has taken deer cleanly out to around 300 yards with it. Says it's a great bullet for deer or antelope. I believe it's a Speer Hot-Core bullet.
No experience with those. Only factory ammo we used in the girls 243's was either 100 grain core lokts or 100 grain Winchester power points. Once I started reloading, they went to shooting 100 grain interlocks. The interlocks have been very effective. I have some 103 grain eldx and 95 grain berger vld's that I want to have them try in the future.
shouldnt have any issues killing deer with those. Ive killed a TRUCK load of deer with 75grain hollow points when I was a kid and never had issues with them at all. Obviously there are better options but if you happen to have all those I wouldnt hesitate to use them on deer size game if they shoot good from my rifle.

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