Well-Known Member
Ok …… starts fine, doesn't like to idle cold.
After a slight warm with choke off it will idle then revs super high RPM's , then lowers, then high RPM's
Back and forth…….
Manifold will get red at exhaust of head.
Pull out and anything past 1/4 throttle Boggs down like gonna quit.
Carb has been rebuilt , clean as a whistle!!!!!
Seems running lean too me. But why?
No leak in air intake, or lines to be found.
Fuel pump?
After a slight warm with choke off it will idle then revs super high RPM's , then lowers, then high RPM's
Back and forth…….
Manifold will get red at exhaust of head.
Pull out and anything past 1/4 throttle Boggs down like gonna quit.
Carb has been rebuilt , clean as a whistle!!!!!
Seems running lean too me. But why?
No leak in air intake, or lines to be found.
Fuel pump?