2011 Indiana Predator Challenge Recap


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
The 2011 Indiana Predator Challenge, held February 4th-6th was another successful, safe and fun event for all in attendance! This year we once again expanded the IPC event and its reach across the community. Despite a week full of blizzards, ice storms and power outages nearly 90% of our hunters made it to Friday�s sign-in. Many teams showed up early to meet and greet other competitors before the 11am shotgun start.

The 2011 IPC started off under bluebird skies and mild temperatures but no one expected that to hold up long! Friday evening�s fair weather gave way to sleet and snow overnight. Teams scattered out in areas spanning as much as 100 miles en route to areas they�d scouted previously or located with aerial photos. One of the first reports back to headquarters, just hours after the kickoff, was that of a bobcat coming in on a team�s 2nd stand of the hunt. Lifetime residents of Indiana, this was the crew�s first encounter with a bobcat!

Later in the evening a couple of coyotes fell, one gray fox was put down overnight, and four teams found themselves on the scoreboard coming into Saturday�s check-in.

Saturday Check-In Totals:
Long Shots: 1pt -Coyote
Tail Chasers: 3pts -Coyote & Gray Fox
Predator X: 1pt -Coyote
Flat Liners: 1pt -Coyote

Saturday afternoon brought big wet snowflakes and a cold breeze so hunters were glad to congregate indoors for a meal. This year�s lunch was prepared by Master Chef Larry Jean from Louisiana and his son Paul who came in from Australia to help out by-way-of Mississippi. These guys travelled for the better part of two days to provide our hunters with some phenomenal BBQ pork ribs and tenderloin. They did a wonderful job and their effort is greatly appreciated!

After filling up on BBQ, corn, taters and dessert teams shuffled outside for the 6th Annual IPC Rifle Contest. It seems lately everyone has figured out what to expect from the IPC Rifle Contest, nothing less than the unexpected! Some shooters struggled to initiate targets while others simply couldn�t acquire the ones that appeared right in front of them! The first ten shooters marked scores of 0/5 and 1/5 as driving snow blew in from down-range.

When the shooter from �Predator X� came up to the plate, a team with 2 Rifle Contest wins under their belt in previous events, the crowd knew some targets were going to fall. 3/5 was the benchmark set in just over 49 seconds. The next shooter failed to locate a single target, or fire a single round, but the following shooter would surprise us all! 3/5, including one running target, went down in just under 48 seconds securing the 2011 Rifle Contest win for the first time entry �Tail Chasers�.

Rifle Shoot:
Tail Chasers: 3/5 in 48.4 Seconds = 2pts
Predator X: 3/5 in 49.2 Seconds= 1pt

Saturday afternoon was fairly productive for the rejuvenated teams. The 2010 Champions �Predator X� scored another coyote as did the �Flat Liners� who were sitting pretty in 2nd place by nightfall. Overnight, with time winding down, another team put themselves in contention by scoring their first points of the weekend. The �Pardners� called up a nice Red Fox, worth 2 points, and knew that one more critter could put them in contention for 2nd place. It was simply too close to call, with only hours remaining in the hunt.

As daylight came on Sunday morning, several teams knew they had a reasonable shot at placing if they could just get in ONE productive stand! The Flat Liners felt like any animal they added to the scoreboard would secure them a victory: so they were elated when a coyote trotted up to the call for a 30 yard shot just before check-in! Little did they know, the �Tail Chasers� had struck gold just before daylight� with another Gray Fox for their tally!

Sunday Check-In Totals:
Pardners: 2pts -Red Fox
Tail Chasers: 2pts -Gray Fox
Predator X: 1pt -Coyote
Flat Liners: 2pts -2 Coyotes

When the dust settled, all teams were signed in, and all animals were inspected: a new set of Champions would be crowned! Not only did they tie the previous record for total points in a contest, and win the 6th Annual Rifle Contest, the �Tail Chasers� managed to dominate their FIRST EVER APPEARANCE in the IPC event. This just goes to show you, it�s anybody�s game!

2011 Indiana Predator Challenge Champions � �Tail Chasers�

2011 Indiana Predator Challenge Runner Up � �Flat Liners�

Congratulations to all the successful hunters and thanks again to the staff for their hard work! Registration for the 2012 Indiana Predator Challenge will open on July 15th, 2011. We will be hosting another �Summer Shindig� on the weekend of July 15th-16th where teams can register, visit with other participants, and bring their families along for some great food and activities! More details about the 2011 Summer Shindig will be available on www.TheNPHA.com/events as they are finalized.





Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
This year�s lunch was prepared by Master Chef Larry Jean from Louisiana and his son Paul who came in from Australia by-way-of Mississippi. These guys travelled for the better part of two days to provide our hunters with some phenomenal BBQ pork ribs and tenderloin. They did a wonderful job and their effort is greatly appreciated!










Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
Thanks guys!

If you guys are interested in predator hunting, regaurdless of your experience level, you would definately enjoy this 3-day event. This is a great place to meet new friends, learn a lot about predator hunting and access some great hunting opportunities.

We'll be having a big registration party in July known as the "Summer Shindig" where teams can begin registering for the 2012 hunt. Keep an eye on www.IndianaPredatorChallenge.com for more information on that event. Remember, we're located not too far from TN. It takes me under 3 hrs to get to Nashville, I regularly travel to Memphis & McMinville for work and the drive isn't bad at all. Hope to see some of ya'll come visit us in the future!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
... are you the same Jrbhunter I used to see post on fins and fur?... I sure hope not...(that was ugly) ... always left me a bit shocked.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
Same guy Yotehntr, I�ve been around predator hunting forums for over a decade under the same USERID. There were/are some fine guys on that forum, assuming it is still up & running, great place for call makers to sell their wares as I recall.

I don't get into online debates about coyote hunting anymore, no longer see the entertainment or educational value in it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Thought I recognized your name... it's been a few years though. FnF is still up and running... not a great place to sell calls though... I've probably sold more here on account of "The One".. (a buddy here). and bumped into a couple fell'sa I've sold a couple to (PH) & Joe. As far as good guys... I reckon there are some great folks on every forum as well as.. well the other type. LOL I'm proud to hear you've given up the "debates"... that type of conversation does nothing but get "mud on your shoes"... have to admit I don't blame you for a few you gave (L) to...(actually enjoyed it at times)... a couple others I'm pretty good friends with though. You stayed pretty busy at it from what I remember. Looked at your "profile" here... says you're president of thenpha... I was there for a bit myself... (as a call maker...didn't sell to many there.. actually I sell most of 'em at PM)... I have to admit I have trouble keeping up on my call making these days...are you not an engineer anymore? ... (guess I remember to many details?) I don't guess you mentioned or at least I don't remember what type of engineer you were/are?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2007
Maybe I don�t pay enough attention to other types of forums, but it seems predator specific forums have become full of drama over the last 5-6 years. A few of the newer forums were plagued from the beginning with underlying motives and outright hatred toward another group or site. I never had a problem with the cliques and agendas but what really got my goat was the keyboard wizards that dropped dozens of posts per DAY delving out coyote advice when they hadn�t made a dozen stands in the last three seasons combined. Not talking about FNF here, just generally speaking, that craze took hold back in those days and it turned a lot of stomachs. From spraying down with scent-away to which 17HMR to carry, the experts were blossoming at a rate faster than the truly experienced could keep up with and the quality of predator-forum-content suffered greatly.

The fun, yes fun is all it was, I had with the guys on FNF was an expression of the frustration so many experienced hunters were feeling about predator forums at the time. I�d get calls at all hours of the day and night, �You gotta see this� and �Is anyone going to call him out on that?�. Sometimes those discussions sparked informative debate about coyote hunting, sometimes it just bruised someone�s ego but to me� they were always entertaining.

I do currently serve as President of the National Predator Hunters Association, an organization that launched its own discussion forum in September of 2009. I work primarily on the organizational side of things with advertisements/conventions/partners/hunts/sponsors/ect... most of which has nothing to do with the internet. The NPHA forums are enjoyable and do offer a welcoming atmosphere but you are right about call sales, that�s a niche that has really struggled in these first 18 months. We�ve learned a lot in that short amount of time, it�s going to take some work to keep things moving in a positive direction. We�ll be making some changes over the next few months in preparation for next fall, where we anticipate strong growth of both the forum and organization.

I have changed jobs since the FNF days; I believe that was 3-4 years ago now? I used to design heavy steel structures and conveyors for the concrete industry but now I work in aerospace. My travels with work bring me to various airports and air force facilities where airlines are performing fleet maintenance, thus Memphis & Nashville. I�m also helping run a longtime family tree nursery business in anticipation of retiring to a quiet life on the farm with my growing family, this brings me to McMinville and surrounding areas often for trees. Of course the NPHA keeps me hopping too, with responsibilities in Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, New York and several others� it can be difficult to keep �Family Time� in mind, but we�re planning a little getaway trip to Gatlinburg this summer with the kids.

Anyway, back to the topic, our 2011 IPC Summer Shindig is shaping up nicely. The clay pigeon shoot and cookout is always a blast and this whole laid-back weekend event regularly draws guys up from WV, VA, MS, LA, CA and various Midwestern states. We�d like to see 50+ guys there again this summer. I hope some of our Tennessee brethren stop by on that July 15th & 16th weekend, it�s a great time with some great people! There is no fee to attend, camping is available and Saturday's meal is a pitch-in. Don't miss it!

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