Less fortunate hunters. (Turkey edition)

Os2 Outdoors

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
I want people who have hunted several years an haven't gotten a bird. Or people who are having a bad spell in their life. Or even kids are welcome. (Dad's would love to see the kids write it out why they deserve the hunt). Our first time sportsmen are especially welcome. Men or WOMEN!?

So here's what i want to do. Between now and March 17th I want any of those guys/gals who would like to go on a hunt in northern middle TN on private ground to post into this thread. The two things I want are a short story of why you haven't had much success. You must also pick a number between 1-100 and put it in your post.

Now to make this fair I'm going to text DA and Landman with a number 1-100 that I randomly pick.

This hunt will take place anytime season is open an we can organize a date for me and and the hunter. Hunters will be welcome back until they kill or season ends. If the hunter must travel say from East TN I can also provide lodging.

Be aware this hunt may be filmed.




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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2014
Memphis, TN
I'll enter and take my lucky number 13.

I've had a rough 5+ years. On 12/23/2012 (Merry Christmas!!!), I was let go from a position I'd held for the previous 25 years. The company owner had hired a new "kid" to run his business I helped build. The new Pres and I didn't get along because I simply didn't trust him. He gave the owner an ultimatum that either he or I had to go. So I get canned. Ironically, the new Pres quit 2 months later.

I was out of work for close to a year. Age discrimination is alive and well, sadly. I finally ended up in a similar position to the one I first had out of college. I'm 63 and was working in a CPA firm doing work that kids out of college were doing. Now, i was happy to finally be back at work, but I found the work less than challenging and back to working insane hours for 4+ months a year.

Now fast forward a couple years. I'm coming out of the tax season ended 4/16 and the fatigue was awful. I thought my age and long hours was the culprit. In June, '16, I had pain in my left side. Couple this with my fatigue, I went to the Dr. The pain in my side was due to a massive kidney stone that was lodged just outside my left kidney. Because of its size (1/2"+), there was no way I could pass it. When this one was found, another smaller stone was found in my left kidney and 5 in my right kidney.

I had surgery to remove the large stone in early August. I then went to my eye Dr in September to find out that I needed cataracts removed from both eyes. The first eye surgery was in late September and the next about a month later.

Then in early November, I had surgery to remove two stones from my right kidney. Thankfully, my urologist went the extra mile and determined I had hyperparathyroid disease. The parathyroid glands control the release of calcium, thus the numerous stones.

I had surgery to remove two of 4 parathyroid glands on 1/11/17. I had another surgery a month later to remove the remaining stones in my right kidney. So, from August to February, I had three surgeries for kidney stones, two cataract surgeries and parathyroid surgeries. If that wasn't enough, in fall of '16, I had three root canals, two in one day

I didn't hunt at all in '16 for obvious reasons. I was so looking forward to the '17 hunting season. In a moment of stupidity, I was going to move a ladder stand on 11/11/17 in advance of hunting season and fell, breaking my fibula, a bone in my ankle and dislocated my ankle.

I had to hike 1/4 mile on the mess that used to be my ankle, drive an hour and a half back home then to the ER. I had reconstructive surgery 3 days later to insert a plate and 13 screws in my ankle. Again, no hunting for the '17 season.

Now, I liked the guys that owned the CPA firm where I work. I figured I'd work for two more years and then retire. Well, the partners sold their practice to a large firm from out of town. The new firm has many crazy rules that an old fart like me find hard to understand. Thus, stress at work has gone up about ten fold. I hate to wish my life away, but I can't wait till I can qualify for Medicaid. I'm back in tax season, working in conditions that are hard to endure.

I'll admit I'm blessed in more ways than I can count. Ive got a wonderful wife of 43+ years, two amazing sons with two spectular wife's who've given me 4 unbelievable grandchildren. Most importantly, I was raised by two Godly Christian parents, so I have a treasure in heaven awaiting me.

I've never been Turkey hunting at all. I'm told it's addictive but a combination of my chosen trade and a lack of knowledge, I've simply never tried it. Thanks for the opportunity and wish all other applicants good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Clinton, TN
I'll throw my name in the pot. Last year was my first season, only saw 3 hens for the entire season. I managed to call 2 of the hens in. One was coming across a field. I'm basically a newbie in terms of calling, you name it. 0 kills. My youngest next heart surgery date is unknown. But is tentative for late March/April. That may take up most of the season for me. #47

Os2 Outdoors

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
JeepKuntry":88p1gojp said:
I'll throw my name in the pot. Last year was my first season, only saw 3 hens for the entire season. I managed to call 2 of the hens in. One was coming across a field. I'm basically a newbie in terms of calling, you name it. 0 kills. My youngest next heart surgery date is unknown. But is tentative for late March/April. That may take up most of the season for me.
Guess a number Jeep

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New Member
Dec 22, 2013
My oldest daughter is 10 now and literally teethed on turkey calls. She was scouting with me as soon as she could walk good on her own, and went on her first turkey "hunt" at age 5. She is very petite in stature, so it was age 7 before we introduced her to a 20 gauge in hopes of getting her first turkey. She handled it well with some assistance, so the race was on.

Im not sure I even took my own gun out for the next 2 years. I was determined to get her on one. If I was going, she was with me. Both of those years were massive failures. We hardly even saw anything. We had also moved between the two seasons and were now farther away from the only private land we had permission for and the public land we had ran. She was clearly very disappointed but almost always eager to go again. I was starting to take it hard myself. I was at 3 years with no birds at that point, on top of not getting my daughter one. At this point this girl was 8, had been going hunting for 4 years, and never even watched one die....

Last year, we gained access to a small piece fairly close to the house. The land has birds, but the curse continued for her. If she was present, they would not come near. We would see them, just not in range. The other piece we have access to was also holding birds but the cattle gave us fits as they were in our pasture and we eventually had our blind stolen. We never gave up, but it didnt happen for her again.

So here we are. She is 10 years old, entering her 4th year trying to kill a turkey and her 6th year of going hunting and she has never saw one flop in person. Ive run and gunned with this little girl on public land for half a day, doing 6+ miles in a morning. Ive watched her beat me getting up in the morning at 4am and waiting on me to get ready. Day in and day out during season for 5 years. She can throw down Mt Dew and donuts like you wouldnt believe. We have climbed hills that average men would want no part of and crawled across muddy fields in the pouring rain. Weve sat in below freezing until we couldnt feel our toes, went to Shoneys for biscuits and gravy, and then went back to freeze some more. She will hunt with the best of them, and has yet to put a boot on a head, and still can not wait for the season to get here and do it again.

Shes a good kid. Good grades, Jr BETA club, she plays softball, does gymnastics. Shes put more time and effort into hunting turkey than a lot of grown men I know that kill all the time. If anyone deserves a turkey, its my oldest.

I didnt have her type anything because honestly she probably wouldnt even think she deserved a special hunt. We call it hunting, not killing. She understands that. She just honestly seems to enjoy it, so the passion is there. We go because we enjoy it. I havent even told her i was doing this, so to not get her hopes up. We have had people tell us "oh i guarantee ill get her a bird" and never say another word. Just not going there again. If it happens, it would just be a huge surprise to her. I promise though, When she gets that first bird, its going to be a long overdue victory for both of us.

I did ask her what number she would pick between 1-100 though, and she said 50.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2012
MrVest":2pc3k8o7 said:
I promise though, When she gets that first bird, its going to be a long overdue victory for both of us.

It will be awesome!

She definitely has what it takes, and that's a credit to you. I know the pressure we put on ourselves when trying to make it happen for someone else, so I know this is eating at you.

I admire the determination of both of you.

If you don't win this hunt, something else will come along to make it happen.

Good luck!


New Member
Dec 22, 2013
PalsPal":1xz1en57 said:
It will be awesome!

She definitely has what it takes, and that's a credit to you. I know the pressure we put on ourselves when trying to make it happen for someone else, so I know this is eating at you.

I admire the determination of both of you.

If you don't win this hunt, something else will come along to make it happen.

Good luck!

Thank you, and Yes, I know it will come along! We are too stubborn to quit now. It's about time for her though. And, I have 2 more little girls who are starting to say they want to go now, too. I will soon have 3 tags depending on me, now that's pressure! lol