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Where am I going wrong!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2010
I'm not much of a turkey hunter and I'll be the first to admit it. As a matter of fact, I only go when I think crappie won't bite. I only go once or twice a year. Getting on birds has never been my problem. Getting a toms attention has never been my problem. Getting him past 70-80 yards is my problem every time! It never fails. He may run, walk or he may strut to that yardage but that's when he always stops, blows up, turns circles and meanders off the way he came. I'm fully camo, calling soft and little as possible and usually have a Tom decoy 15 yards or so in front of me off to the side. What am I missing!?
He might be a subordinate bird who doesn't want to mess with your tom decoy. I'd sit tight with no decoy and stop calling when you know he's coming in.
carry a buddy and have him sit forty yards in front of you as you call, or have him sit forty yards behind you and call. This works really well.
I very rarely use a decoy, most of the time I sit in the woods, so when I get one to strike up and it sounds he's closing the distance within about 75 yds gobbling, I usually go silent because most of the time they'll come looking for the hens becasue they cant see them and their following the sound. Then, if they dont show up after about 30 seconds I'll do a soft half yelp and most of the time they'll hit very close and it's look for that red head to pop up time.I find it alot easier to kill birds in the woods than in the fields in just about any siuation.

Hunting fields with decoys is alot tougher than it seems, especially the area I hunt, I feel like the mature birds have gotten use to that style of hunting.
Try using no decoys and set up in the woods about 40 yards inside the woods
75 yards - I thought that was what all these overpriced shells are for - I wouldn't know though - Sounds like its time to do some belly crawling - works every time- ha!!
spitndrum said:
take a 22 lol :D
Lmao I'd be lying if I said the thought hasn't crossed my mind.

Sounds like I'll be leaving the deke at home. Next time I go, hopefully I've got a picture to share. After today, I feel like I've got a bone to pick. I may have to miss a couple crappie days. :o
Forget the decoy. Get as close as possible to him without spooking him before trying to call him in. I called one in yesterday for my buddy after I got mine. We called him for probably 2 hours. He would come to about 75 yards then go back down in the holler we were hunting. last time he did that (4th or 5th time) we got up and moved about 75 yards to where he last gobbled. 1 time of a few soft yelps and he gobbled just out of sight. A little scratching in the leaves and a few minutes later he was headed home with us and my bird!
BDS05 said:
I'm not much of a turkey hunter and I'll be the first to admit it. As a matter of fact, I only go when I think crappie won't bite. I only go once or twice a year. Getting on birds has never been my problem. Getting a toms attention has never been my problem. Getting him past 70-80 yards is my problem every time! It never fails. He may run, walk or he may strut to that yardage but that's when he always stops, blows up, turns circles and meanders off the way he came. I'm fully camo, calling soft and little as possible and usually have a Tom decoy 15 yards or so in front of me off to the side. What am I missing!?

In the same boat as you. Done with the decoys. Had 3 huge toms coming toward me in the monsoon yesterday and then just stopped. It didn't help they began chasing some hens in the field that popped out.

Had 8 jakes in this morning for what seemed like forever, none ever got closer than 55 yards. Probably wouldn't have shot at one anyway, just frustrated!

Done with the decoys.
I don't use them in the woods but when I hunt a field next to woods I use a couple of hens and a Jake decoy. Had over 70 turkeys Saturday morning in the field from 100-400 yards with about a dozen Toms. Didn't think I had a chance of getting a Tom near me with all the hens out there. But got one to come in and make a straight line towards the Jake. Shot it at 25 yards.

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