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What the crap


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
You know how you are riggin up your line say to fish for bream and the line gets wrapped around the end of your rod?

Then you kinda grab the end of it and bend it just a little with one hand and unwrap the line with the other?

Just FYI, if you grab it JUST right and bend it JUST enough,,,, the end of your rod will snap off in your hand. :eek:

Maybe if I spent more it wouldn't have, but then again ya never know.

Time for a new rod I guess.

On the bright side me and man whacked the bream this afternoon.
I caught 25 and he managed 13.

I didn't have time to clean them so we threw them all back.
All but about 6 or so were big enough to dress too.

He got fish of the day with a 9 1/2"
I came in second with a flat 9"


We had a really really good time today.
For whatever reason it felt really special today.
I use a fly rod to bream fish and night crawlers. Never had a problem. I got into the big bream on Watts Bar yesterday. I use them for cat bait. I caught 30 in an hour once they would have all been eaters. Wind got up and I couldn't see my jugs in the waves so quit and came home but I know where my spot is.
catman529 said:
Never had that happen, you need an Ugly Stik :grin:

LOL true.
I would be willing to place a large wager that I have more of them than you do. :)

Gonna see if I can find one in the length and weight I want now though. :)
I switched over to All Star rods a few years ago and have been very happy with them. They are not much more expensive than the other rods.
RUGER said:
catman529 said:
Never had that happen, you need an Ugly Stik :grin:

LOL true.
I would be willing to place a large wager that I have more of them than you do. :)

Gonna see if I can find one in the length and weight I want now though. :)
you probably do, I have 3 of them
I will have to double check but I know I have 6.
Maybe more. :D

Funny thing is, till you posted that I have never even looked for one for my bream fishing. :eek:


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